You like random right?
Good, ’cause that’s what you get today.
This was part of my lunch the other day Don’t you want to eat it? I want to eat it again but alas, I have no mozzarella.
I finally COMPLETELY finished the one and only dress I’ve made for K (so far…).
I added some rosettes by the straps (possibly to cover up some *cough* imperfections *cough*) and some ribbon trim on the bottom. She actually wore it out in public, to church, on Sunday. We took her to the church nursery and the lovely lady that works there immediately said, “Oh, did Mommy make you a dress?!” I wasn’t quite sure how to take that. Hmmmm….
Some handsome dude I know started school on Monday.
He keeps telling me there is going to be “lots” of homework but I have yet to see any. And today when I asked him how his day was he said, “Same as yesterday… gosh Mom!” Does that start already? If so, I’m not ready for it.
He told me he wanted to ride the bus this year (he would only ride it home since Tim drops him off in the mornings) but he decided against it right now since he feels it’s too hot to walk home from the stop. Can’t say that I blame him one bit. We’ll see what he wants to do when it cools off…
He also lost another tooth over the weekend and another one is loose. AND! get this! The “tooth fairy” FORGOT to visit on the first night. He told me his “best idea” was that I was the tooth fairy and that I forgot.
I think the jig might be up soon… what about y’all?
File under, too smart for his own britches. Ugh.
So, have your kids started school? If not, when will they?
What random stuff is up in your life today?
“did mommy make you a dress?” OH NO SHE DID NOT! it looks wonderful wonderful elaine. you did a great job. high five.
I LOVE the dress! I can’t even sew a button, so I am totally impressed.
Love your doors too. I can’t believe summer is over already! My kids go back Monday.
I love that dress! I’m so jealous… and completely impressed!
Ohhh the dress is great! so adorable!
When I ask my boys what they did at school all they tell me is “play”
Oh you have talent dear friend! LOVE that dress!!
I went to the Farmer’s Market yesterday to get tomatoes just for the purpose in your first picture.
My mouth is WATERING from that first pic. Mmmmm. It looks amazing!
That dress is ADORABLE! I wish I could do stuff like that. You did a GREAT job! Woot woot!
Awwww. Second grade! That is a big change. And yes, he sounds WAY too smart for YOUR own good.
The dress is very pretty, I like!!
And 2nd grade? That is a big deal! (gah they grow up so quickly!)
Love the dress – great job!!!!
Your son is gonna be a heartbreaker, such a cutie! I love those rosettes you added to the dress. Adorable!
I always marvel at back-handed compliments.
Just say it is a cute dress! It is by the way! Kids these days are too smart for their own good. I want to revel in the magic for as long as I can before they discovr that it’s not real!
I always marvel at back-handed compliments.
Just say it is a cute dress! It is by the way! Kids these days are too smart for their own good. I want to revel in the magic for as long as I can before they discovr that it’s not real!
Whatevs, that dress is darling! You rocked it lady!
The jig is up here too…and no one has lost any teeth here yet!! He is under strict instructions to keep it to himself and nit tell other kids.
Your lunch looks delicious and I’m so impressed with your sewing skills! She looks adorable in the dress. Cute first day photo! When my son rode the bus in kindergarten he came home upset because the a/c was broken. I had to explain that the buses don’t have a/c!
I am impressed with the dress. I do NOT sew. And great first day picture. Such a cutie!
Awesome job on the dress! And that was a total compliment. Awwwww, B is growing up. Still offering an almost 14 year old to ya! A T T I D U D E !!!!
And that should have said ATTITUDE! UGH!
Perhaps she just noticed that a pattern that cute can’t just be bought in a store. I think it looks great. I wish I could sew, but I get pissed at the sewing machine before I get two stitches done, so I don’t think that’s going to work out.
Baby Girl lost another tooth last night and she said, “what if YOU were the tooth fairy?” And I calmly said, “what if I was?” But in a way not really admitting that I was. And she replied, “well then YOU would have to put money under my pillow.” I definitely think we are getting close to that not being a “thing” in our house any longer.
The other day, we heard Jacob say to his cousin that Santa wasn’t real. That it was us who put it under the tree. That almost made me cry…but we couldn’t decide if he really thought that or was just fishing, you know?
Smart kids break my heart a little…
When my youngest daughter was four, she stood outside the bedroom door as my husband and 8 year old discussed the fact that Santa, Easter bunny, and Tooth Fairy were all ficticious but wasn’t it fun all the same? yadda yadda. Boom. There went my 4 year old’s innocence! Gone like that (snapping fingers.) I was mortified, but she actually took it all in her stride (thank god) and just ‘confirmed’ what she’d heard with me. I had to tell her, as her dad had just told her big bro. Oh, and the dress? Georgeous! I’d like one just like it
your kids are so gorgeous!
and this sounds bad, but it is nice to hear that the tooth fairy doesn’t only forget at our house.
oh, and great job on the dress!
The food is drool worthy. The dress is simply adorable.
The 2nd grader makes me teary eyed since Big T will be starting 2nd grade in Sept. Trying to talk to him at school is like trying to squeeze water from a rock! It’s so frustating!
What a GORGEOUS shot…of the food I mean…and the kids are great too, but the FOOD!