I was at this conference for less than 48 hours. I flew in Wednesday night while there was a dusting of snow on the ground and flew out Friday afternoon when there was no sign of it left.
My roomies were quick to accept me. I mean really, it was like we’d roomed together a million times before and I’d never even met Katy until that first night! Seriously y’all. Best. Roommates. Ever.
And although it was a bit of a whirlwind of meeting and seeing people, sessions, and checking out the fabulous sponsors (and eating their snacks/food) I still felt pretty calm about it all. Guess that’s one perk of being an extrovert. I mean anyone can bond over a delicious mango torte, yes?
As I mentioned in my earlier post, the opening key note by Brene Brown was extremely moving and set the tone for this experience. She had a lot to say about love and vulnerability and she was really quite funny too.
The quote below was from her presentation and @CecilyK grabbed it and used it during a writing session the very next day. This one resonated with me A LOT.
And then just today I sat running my fingers over this beautiful necklace that we were gifted with from the vintage pearl. And I read the words over and over… “follow your bliss, follow your bliss, follow your bliss…” I tried to think about what that means to me and I had a bit of an epiphany.
Erin has told me that I’m a photographer but I don’t feel like one because I don’t know any of the technical stuff or have any fancy lenses or any of that.
I made a decision today. I get a little “rush” every time I take a GOOD photo so I opened up that book I bought over a year ago. The title of said book would be “Nikon D5000 for Dummies.” And now? I’m determined not to be such a “dummy” anymore.
That’s right. I’m gonna BE a photographer. Maybe not in every sense of the word but I’m SO pumped to actually KNOW what I’m doing and run with it.
So yeah, gonna follow my photographing “bliss”. And that’s how I’m gonna tell my story. (well, with words too…but you know what I mean…)
And now for some photos!! How’s that sound?
I had fun taking a few pics of other people taking pics… that’s Erin and her grade school milk carton.
This would be the FAB-YOU-LOUS Mishelle Lane and Crayon Wrangler, on the lower right. Doing what they do best. I may have stalked them just a little…
And here are some pics of my roomies Erin & Katy (with me in a few too…)
Katy sneaked some popcorn. Gotta feed those babies!!
Erin gave both Katy and me this darling card holder made by the pleated poppy. I mean HOW cute is this?!?
Erin, Erin and Liz – two brand new friends!!
And um yeah, that’s Matt Kearney.That man can sing and play the guitar (and he’s pretty easy on the eyes too…)
The scarf brigade – HopefulLeigh, Erin, me and Dutchbeingme
Me and sweet, lovely Heather, of the EO, that is…
And precious, gives-THE-best-hugs-ever Kim!
New friends, My Crazy Busy Life, Ms Wonderfriend and Amy
And a last shot, of the open, center area of the Opryland Resort. The place is HUGE!
My only regret is that I missed out on the closing key note by Scott Stratten about all the “awesome” (thank goodness I had twitter at the airport to fill me in!) and the following surprise flash mob that I was supposed to be a part of, since I left too early to participate. BUT, I’m just so very happy that I was able to go at all and meet and be with so many wonderful women (and a couple of men).
And I’m pretty sure I found my bliss while I was there. How awesome is THAT?!?
p.s. I also met and spoke with these wonderful peeps! @MollyinMinn @southernfairytale @neelykins @PensieveRobin @blueviolet @JoLynneMusings @designhermomma (where is our pic together??) @mooshinindy @momofali @mommyshorts @bsiron @angryjulie @taminginsanity @justheather @AmberRunsaMuck @DExtraordinaire (links to pic of us!) @noshwithme @DawnMHSH @takeoffwithkatie @stephanieclick @holleeinbalance @crisgoode @sippycupmom @TheSamiCone @SimpleMom (we went to high school together!) @SweetSadieMarie @Chookooloonks (we shared a cab to the airport) @momcentralchat and @jennafarelyn @MommyNamedApril (and no pic of us either – boo...) @GussySews @SarcasticMomLC @lisaleonard @thestilettomom @SuburbanMatron @brittont13 @ToThink @LoveThatMax @AngEngland @sellabitmum @shellthings @anothermomof2 @ohamanda (also links to pic of us) oh and @MatKearney and @MichelleBranch (pic with them as well!) …. I think that’s about it…
Also, linking up to Dumb Mom and Seven Clown Circus for WW and go to Musings of a Housewife for more Blissdom recaps. That is all.
Look at all those happy, smilng faces! Love the necklace, but how could you *not* love The Vintage Pearl stuff? I’m glad you are going to be working on the photography stuff. The learning is the fun part! And you’ve got great subjets in your house to practice on.
smooches, girl! Love you!
I LOVE stopping by to look at all your pictures. (I have your 365 blog in my google reader as well…but I’m terrible about commenting. No time these days!) You have an eye for it!
What a fabulous time you had!
Follow your bliss…I love that!
You take fabulous pictures and I love to see them shining bright on your lil’ piece of the internet
Keep at it!
Looks like so much fun!
WW: Summer House Renovation Update
I love that you are owing your talent.
Go for it…passion is what makes up better…
You are not “gonna be” a photographer.
You already ARE one.
Still prcocessing everything we experienced. Loved your recap post. Is it sad that I’m already planning on next year’s conference?
holy fun times!
and look! it’s me…er…flat kate!
I wear my necklace everyday now. Its a reminder to me and I feel like it brings me so much comfort. Wish we’d gotten a picture together…tear
I can’t wait to see more photos from you! The necklace is so great. I’m really making a concentrated effort to go next year, because I think I want to learn more about writing from others. What an adventure!
I can’t tell you how happy I am to have met you! SO fun! SO funny! I wish we got to hang a little longer!
I would LOVE to learn more about photography and buy an awesome camera that I would actually know how to use. Good for you! And great pics. Sounds like an awesome experience!
Good luck on your photography adventure! That is exactly how I felt about sewing. Glad you had a good time, aren’t you glad it was last week and not this week?
Yay for the scarf brigade! So glad we got to meet- next time I hope we get a better chance to talk!
Awwww. . . so, so, wonderful. I love it when we follow after something that is calling us. Can’t wait to see the results.
So very very jealous. Next year I am totally going to Blissdom. Absolutely.
I think that is awesome that you have found something to fall in love with. Good for you for going for it.
It sounds like a wonderful time! I wish I could have gone to see you lovely ladies! I have the D5000 too, so if that is really a book, I am so getting it!
Oh look at us. I love that photo. I may have to steal it…ahem.
And I LOVE that you plan to follow your bliss. You are a GREAT photographer…so GO FOR IT…be vulnerable and stretch and keep going. You won’t regret it, I just know it.
YAY! So glad you had a good time, and that you’re going embrace the photography journey. You totally have the natural eye and take so many great photos already!! I really don’t know all that much of the technical stuff either, and shoot almost entirely by feel.
Sure looks like a blast!
When you get your camera (wait, you already do get it)..can you send me the abridged version?
I am so jealous that you went to blissdom! i’m going to have to pick your brain about it next time we’re together!