My Dad and Tim went fishing extremely early Friday morning while we were at the ocean. Since I stayed up every night until 1 am talking to my bro and my SIL, I was only asleep for a few hours when they got up to leave. God bless the boys for “sleeping in” a little that morning. You know, until like 7:30 or 8. It’s the little things in life. Like an extra half hour of sleep.
We didn’t expect them home until 2 or 3 that afternoon and when they came walking in around 12:30 with somber faces we assumed they’d had enough of a bad fishing trip. Tim declared that they didn’t catch a thing and I was completely oblivious even as he loaded a big styrafoam cooler on to the counter in our kitchen.
That’s when he cracked and said, “Except for a ton of fish!” (or something like that…) Tim had reached his limit (he could only catch so many) by 8:30 a.m. and he and my dad both caught some pretty big ones and had a great time.
And see that picture up there? Not sure which of those fish were our dinner that night but I can tell you that it doesn’t get much fresher than that! And I think it’s so wonderful for my husband and father to spend time together. What a blessing!
So, their excursion reminded me of the time that I went fishing with my Dad on my last trip to “the coast” with my parents before my adult life began. It was the summer before I left for college and he convinced me to go with him on a big fishing boat that took us out quite a distance in very choppy water. I was one of only 3 women on the boat and I believe I was the only one who didn’t get sick.
I did have quite a bit of sea-sickness nausea though and my dad told me to just sit there and eat an Oreo while I focused on the horizon. Oh and by the way, I still had to hold my pole. So while I sat there consuming said Oreo and desperately wanting off that boat, the “big one” happened to chomp on the bait attached to my line. After my adrenalin kicked in my nausea instantly subsided and it was a fight to the finish. My dad took the pole for a while and then one of the owners of the boat had to reel him in, after about 45 minutes.
No one else caught anything that night and all the men and boys on that boat were a little perturbed that some chick caught a fish and they didn’t, except for my proud Daddy of course!
My fish was as long as the trunk of our car. I don’t know how long he was in inches, I just remember he was really heavy and I could barely hold him up for the picture (wish I could show you but I don’t have that one here).
I always thought it was so cool that Daddy and I caught that fish together and that it capped off an otherwise pretty boring and queasy fishing trip. And the kicker? I didn’t have a license to fish so it was all a little hush-hush when we reached land. We loaded up our big guy and left the scene fast. And we’ve always had the tale to tell.
What a great story and a happy memory for you and your dad!
Great fish story!
They caught so many. How cool is that.
I always loved fishing as a kid even though I didn’t appreciate eating them until recently.
What a fun memory! That’s great you have that memory to share with him.
And look at all of those fish! That’s amazing!
can i please just say ewww gross??
i know it’s a big moment for your hubby and your dad. which is cool. really.
but the fish kinda hanging there – oh you are a stronger woman than i!!
but i sooo love the story about you and you dad – very cool friend
Awesome story!
Okay, a few things for the record:
1. My actual comment when I “cracked” and broke the big catch news was “except for the fact that I’m TOTALLY LYING!!”
2. The kingfish Elaine caught when she was a kid was 54″ according to her Dad (but he has been known to exaggerate at litte on fish sizes)
Now, this is for Amanda.. you said ewww…gross I want to elaborate and say that the fish are being suspended on rusty nails through their eyeballs….and one of them was still moving. I figure if you’re gonna get grossed out you might as well get your money’s worth.
That is a great fishing story! As long as the trunk of your car! Wow! I’m not sure whether to believe you or if it is just another fisherman’s tale.
what a great fishing story!
so good for them to spend time together!
oh, great picture and i’m sure a very yummy dinner!!!
David wants to know if they took a guided fishing tour out of port a and if so, which one…
he is already making plans to have a picture like this from next year’s trip!
My sister and I always loved going fishing with Dad. Our favorite story is the one where we went back to some camp in the Adirondacks in the middle of black fly season, spent all day there, and came home with no fish and loads of insect bites. It was pretty sweet. We begged to go back next year!
My husband’s not a big fan of fishing, but I’ve already made Dad promise to teach my little girl how to fish when she’s old enough. Gotta keep the tradition alive!
Yum! Fresh fish, so jealous!
Fish stories are the best and if they are not embellished just a little tiny bit, well then they are not true fish tales!
I have always fished with my family but my hubby and boys don’t find it enjoyable. More time for me in the boat! We fish on lakes only though since we live no where near the ocean, must smaller fish! But the tales, well they tend to get larger to compensate
oH THAT JUST screams fun. But, excuse me, did you say your team slept until 7:30? Whoa, that’s a vacation in and of itself! Mine crows by 5:30 AM each day.
*hold me*
I betcha can’t wait to go back, eh?
Congrats to Tim and your dad on their AWESOME fish catch! There is nothing like super fresh fish for dinner–especially if you caught it yourself. Glad your vacation was great. Love, Ann
I so love you fishy tales!
And the best one when YOU caught the big fish!
Way to go girl!!
Great fish stories! And that picture is great!
Doesn’t that extra half hour seem like an eternity?
Dang, that’s some serious seafood there! And it sounds like yours would have beaten all of those, hands (fins?) down.