The alarm goes off.
The light through the window confirms another new day.
I slowly emerge from my warm, morning cocoon of blankets, a free arm, now chilled.
I am suddenly aware of the morning’s news stories and the extra warmth on my right side, in the form of a child, nestled up against me.
On my left I can sense the faded cologne scent of the man I love.
We wake and whisper for a few moments as the little person next to me rustles.
We say “good morning” and I kiss his stubbly cheek.
I wrap my arm around his chest, wishing we could stay in bed all day; I’m so cozy and full of love for him.
He asks when our next getaway alone will be and I smirk, saying today would be good.
We daydream about trips to exotic places, busy cities, snowy mountains, sans kids.
Our daydreams are quickly interrupted when the little person opens his eyes and mumbles for breakfast, always his first words.
I protest by burrowing closer to my love and taking in this moment of closeness that I know has to end soon. I close my eyes, finding myself lost in time.
Somehow I’m in a beautiful lodge, high in the mountains, snow falling outside, a warm fire blazing. I begin to doze again…
But in the next moment I open them with a little boy in my face and reality sets in.
I stretch my tired muscles, place one last kiss on the lips of my sweetheart and reluctantly rise as I head for the coffee maker…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
When I close my eyes and think about Thanksgiving I smell onions. Every year my…
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