The First Few Days…

(click to enlarge – welcome home sign made by The B Man – isn’t that the sweetest thing??)

Well, we are home and things are going pretty well. Baby K is not all that into breastfeeding, unfortunately and today or tomorrow I plan to see a lactation consultant as well as try some things that have been suggested by my twitter friends. (thanks everyone!). I’m hopeful that it will eventually work out but I also have memories of how it didn’t with The B Man, and that is hard…

Please just say a quick prayer and think positive thoughts for us that she “gets it” pretty soon…

I am recovering from a c-section and that of course, is NOT that fun. It’s not too bad though (I am still on some pretty good meds so I can say this! HA!).

Last night we were up twice with baby, me pumping and Daddy feeding through a little syringe. She is still sleeping as I type this.

The boys have had two entirely different reactions to their baby sister. The B Man is QUITE enamored with her and loves to smell and “fuzz” her baby head and hair. And Little G well… he’s (and I quote) “scared of baby.” He did give her a little kiss last night before bedtime so, we’re making progress.

Below are just some of my favorite pictures from the last few days, during our time at the hospital (who makes WONDERFUL banana cake, by the way…)

I miss visiting your blogs (many of you know what a faithful commenter I try to be…) but I will be around sporadically (since I am an “internet junkie!”) but I may not leave a comment due to the inability to type with only one hand (I am working on that skill!) or the fact that I am about to doze off at any given moment, if given the opportunity…

Thank you ALL so very much for your sweet comments, here on twitter and FB and for the love that I can feel so very much for my family and Baby K, just through my little lap top. It’s truly AWESOME.


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