Well, we are home and things are going pretty well. Baby K is not all that into breastfeeding, unfortunately and today or tomorrow I plan to see a lactation consultant as well as try some things that have been suggested by my twitter friends. (thanks everyone!). I’m hopeful that it will eventually work out but I also have memories of how it didn’t with The B Man, and that is hard…
Please just say a quick prayer and think positive thoughts for us that she “gets it” pretty soon…
I am recovering from a c-section and that of course, is NOT that fun. It’s not too bad though (I am still on some pretty good meds so I can say this! HA!).
Last night we were up twice with baby, me pumping and Daddy feeding through a little syringe. She is still sleeping as I type this.
The boys have had two entirely different reactions to their baby sister. The B Man is QUITE enamored with her and loves to smell and “fuzz” her baby head and hair. And Little G well… he’s (and I quote) “scared of baby.” He did give her a little kiss last night before bedtime so, we’re making progress.
Below are just some of my favorite pictures from the last few days, during our time at the hospital (who makes WONDERFUL banana cake, by the way…)
I miss visiting your blogs (many of you know what a faithful commenter I try to be…) but I will be around sporadically (since I am an “internet junkie!”) but I may not leave a comment due to the inability to type with only one hand (I am working on that skill!) or the fact that I am about to doze off at any given moment, if given the opportunity…
Thank you ALL so very much for your sweet comments, here on twitter and FB and for the love that I can feel so very much for my family and Baby K, just through my little lap top. It’s truly AWESOME.
These are lovely! Your family is beautiful! What a blessing she is!
I hope the breastfeeding gets better soon.
Also, with each photo you post I get more and more excited about my upcoming visit! I can’t wait to hold her!
I am glad to hear all is well at home now. I really hope that the breastfeeding works out. She is really beautiful and we can’t wait to see her in person over Thanksgiving.
Love you guys,
Beautiful! Beautiful!
Will say prayers that breastfeeding improves, and that there is peace for you regardless of what happens. Now sleep!
Welcome home!
Keep us posted on the BR and hang in there. You will need to save your money for all the PINK you will be buying now. Right?
Such beautiful pictures, Elaine! She is so pretty… and I love the family shots of you all! Good luck with breastfeeding… all the best, my dear! xo
I tweeted this to you yesterday, but as the twins were in the NICU for a week, we just couldn’t get the latching on… The neonatologist even said if we didn’t get it going there, we probably never would.
We went home, I pumped and fed it to the boys with bottles, for over a month. I would keep trying to breastfeed too, but we just had problems.
FINALLY, it clicked and we successfully breastfed until they were 10 months old!
You can do it, just keep trying. It may take awhile, but one day you and your baby girl will get it right! ;o)
Perfection! There’s nothing else to say. God bless your beautiful family.
Lots of love your way!!! Just precious!
Your little girl is precious and you make a lovely little family. You look great, and I’m so impressed you’re already back on your blog!
Don’t sweat the breastfeeding. She just may not be that interested/hungry. I remember cup feeding my gals and using some little syringes as well. It’s tough. Don’t be afraid to use a bottle—she’ll still be getting your milk. I realize it might not be ideal, but…and I may not be the one to take advice from since my kiddos were not nursers and I pumped almost exclusively after they were 3 weeks old.
Either way, get some rest, don ‘t worry about commenting.You have far more important fish to fry!
Congratulations again, mama!
I can’t believe how chubby her little cheeks are–so precious!
Hang in there with the breastfeeding. I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it soon.
Awww.. thank you so much for the most precious pictures I have seen all day long. I wish you the absolute best of luck with breastfeeding. Hang in there and it will all work out. Take it easy and don’t you worry one stinkin bit about visiting any of our blogs. We will all be here when you get back to hopping around.
Welcome home Elaine! Hope Miss K gets with the program soon…and jumps on the milk junkie bandwagon soon.
Get some rest, we’ll still be here rambling and sharing when you have the time!
PS…B Man looks sooo proud!
She is so sweet!! Great work, Mama.
Sending happy breastfeeding vibes your way…will pray for you girls!!
Congratulations again…she’s a doll!!
Your family is beautiful and little Katie is precious…congrats!
Your family is awesome. You have the family that I always wanted and for the most part have. I just cam about mine a little differently.
I wish you luck with the breast feeding.
Welcome HOME!! It is soooo nice to be home after being held prisoner for so long!!
At least that is how I felt!! AND I am so jealouse you actually got to EAT banana cake!! With my 2nd child, 1st section I was on a liquid diet for TWO DAYS!!!! That was the most HORRIBLE experience I’ve ever been through!! And of COURSE my 3 yo was ALWAYS there during my mealtime and HAD to have the only thing of substance I got….JELLO!!! Thankfully I threatened my OB for my 3rd child/ 2nd section, and I got to EAT the first night!!
I was lucky enough to BF all 3 of mine, but every time in the hospital we had issues with latching on! So much so that we had jaundice (sp?) issues because they were not drinking enough and I would not let the nurses “supplement”! Thankfully once we got home in our comfort zone, the problems went away, and so did the jaundice issues!!
Hang in there, and PLEASE call me if you need ANYTHING!!
Yay! Glad everyone is home and doing well!! Good luck with the lactation consultant! Love the pictures you all look great!
She is beautiful! My first baby didn’t have a sucking reflex and we fed him with a dropper until he caught on…the breastfeeding thing didn’t work with him but I didn’t have a lactation consultant. Saying prayers for you!
Such a beautiful family! You are truly blessed!
I hope the lactation consultant can help the two of you with the nursing.
Cute, cute, cute…….and I love that you are calling her Katie.
I love the pic with big brother holding that sweet baby girl!! Y’all are such a beautiful family!
Hubby did a great job updating!!!
That sign is just precious!!!
Glad to hear everything is going well..good luck with breastfeeding!!
Hope breastfeeding gets better for you.
She is beautiful!
Beautiful pictures! I’m glad to hear everything went well. Good luck with the breastfeeding! Hang in there.
What beautiful pictures! I love them all. I especially love the family photo. These photos will always be treasures.
OK, seriously, she is adorable. When are you coming to Austin next? Or maybe we should meet in Houston?! I need to snuggle on your bundle of sweetness!
Congratulations, mom and dad and big brothers. Rest. Nourish her however it works best for you. We’ll all be here. She is beautiful!
Why am I not surprised that the B Man’s family pic is comprised of all MICE!
Very sweet pics; keep ’em coming Elaine!
Oh is she sweet Elaine, congrats. Jack and I had trouble too and we did the syringe supplementing…but with the help of the lactation consultant we worked it out. I think you will too, just hang in there.
And no guilt. NO MATTER WHAT. Do what’s best for you and Katie
Oh is she sweet Elaine, congrats. Jack and I had trouble too and we did the syringe supplementing…but with the help of the lactation consultant we worked it out. I think you will too, just hang in there.
And no guilt. NO MATTER WHAT. Do what’s best for you and Katie
Oh is she sweet Elaine, congrats. Jack and I had trouble too and we did the syringe supplementing…but with the help of the lactation consultant we worked it out. I think you will too, just hang in there.
And no guilt. NO MATTER WHAT. Do what’s best for you and Katie
Absolutely adorable! Good luck. It will all work out!
I love the pictures! Ben looks so cute holding his baby sister. Little G will get the hang of it soon. Hope your recovery is quick! Much love to your beautiful family.
Congrats!!! Katie is precious!
Good luck on the breastfeeding. I truly hope you get the help you need. It is so worth the time and effort. Hang in there! I have faith you and Katie will figure it out. =)
So so sweet!!!
Stick to the breastfeeding. it will happen!!!
Elaine! She’s gorgeous! I’m SO happy for you. Give her kisses for me! xoxo
Hi Elaine
How wonderful to hear from you. What a beauty family you have, you must be so proud. Katie is divine and your boys are gorgeous.
Blake was not a good breastfeeder to start with either. I feel for you with regards to this. In the hospital the nurses kept trying to get me to express milk and feed it to him via a syringe. One of the nurses suggested lots of skin to skin contact (which we were already doing) and this did seem to help. Savanna, on the other hand, used to take forty minutes (minimum) to feed and I breastfed her for nearly a year. Blakie NEVER fed for more than ten minutes. I was constantly stressed about it, but can now look back and realise that he was an efficent feeder – he was putting on the weight and that’s all he needed ( I breastfed him for 11 months). He just fed for super short periods of time and he was done. You and Katie together WILL work this out, it’s just a matter of time. I will certainly keep you in my prayers my friend.
The thought of yummy banana cake is making my mouth water, Yummo.
Take care sweetie. You are not far from my thoughts.
She is so sweet, AND BLOND! I have blond child envy….bad.
And you look fabulous in your pink shirt. I, myself did not look so hot after my section.
Keep on, keepin on with nursing baby girl. My daughter nursed without any problems, but my son was a whole different story.
The NICU grandma, I mean nurse gave him a bottle without permission. I wrote on his cradle card in HUGE letters that he was an exclusive breast baby, but she thought he “looked” hungry. Ugh.
Anyways, it took a good 2 hours with a lac consultant & a “ninja vice-grip” move, but she got baby boy to latch. Then I joined a weekly support group, and it worked itself out.
So sweet!! And you all are just adorable! Fingers are crossed that she will “get it” soon! *HUGS*
Oh my, she is definitely a Alguire. I see so much of both your boys in her face. Little G’s nose and those eyes look exactly like the B man’s. She is beautiful! I wish I had some great advice for the BF but alas I don’t. Just keep trying (which I am sure you are), stay calm and roll with the punches so to speak. Good luck and keep us posted as you always do.
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She is beautiful! You have the perfect family my friend! Congrats!
My Gosh! She is just lovely. You have such a fabulous family Elaine. I wish you blessings and easy nursing, I pray that it works out soon.
OMG congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL
What a lovely girl! I wish you lots of sleep in the days ahead!
Your family of five is just beautiful! what a doll. wishing you lots of rest and lots of snuggles!
YAY!!! Congratulations on a perfect little PINK bundle of joy!!!
So happy to hear that all is well and that you are home safe and sound and recovering. What a blessing for your family!!
So sorry I haven’t been by in so long. Finally we have moved, and life might once again resemble “normal”!
hugs to you friend!
Congratulations! I love all the photos of your happy family.
So fun!!!! So exciting. Those guys are going to be great big brothers!!