So I was minding my own business reading blogs one day when I got a comment from Laural Out Loud (who at the time was still Mamasphere…) on this post. In it she said that she was glad I reminded her that she needed more TJ’s (Trader Joe’s) “Oh’s.” My exact reply was this:
“yeah, that’s fine, just rub it in that you can go get more, while I cry in my last glass of TJ oreo soaked milk…”
After putting up with my sarcasm me she offered to send me some of the oh-so-yummy cookies since another trip to either the east or west coast is not planned soon and well… because she’s awesome.
So I offered to send her a couple of things that I knew she couldn’t get in her part of the country. TEXAS bbq sauce and TEXAS hot sauce. And thus began my first bloggy food swap. The cookies arrived (4 boxes – 2 vanilla, 2 chocolate) to smiles from all three of my boys! : )
Here is Little G enjoying his TJ “Joe-Joe” (he just eats the cream and then throws the chocolate wafers on the floor.) To each his own. I truly do like mine soaked in milk. (but of course I am limiting my intake since I am going to lose weight before Christmas!)
You can enter through either my blog here or Laural’s.
We will combine entries and match you up with someone in a different region.
TJ’s “Joe-Joe” anyone?
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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