Tim and I met at a Catholic student retreat that included a few colleges in the area. I didn’t arrive until Saturday morning because I had to work Friday night and if I’d been scheduled on Saturday, I proably wouldn’t have gone. Tim almost didn’t come to the retreat at all.
If either of those details had actually happened we probably never would have met. I believe we were meant to be there, together, at the same time.
It’s almost too much for me to contemplate…
This weekend I travel to Texas, not to visit family who is there, but to spend time and bond with some of my blogging sisters. Christy is graciously hosting us and gifting us with time to be together face to face, not just through our computer screens.
I believe I was meant to start blogging 3 and half years ago so that these women could become a part of my life.
Tomorrow I will meet six woman in real life for the first time and I am willing to bet they will mean even more to me once this weekend is over.
It’s already almost too much for me to think about.
Although I will miss my family (especially my sweet baby girl who I will be away from for the first time) I need this weekend. My soul needs this weekend.
I’ll be back on Monday but I’m sure I’ll be “checking in” while hanging out in the Hill Country.
I hope you enjoy your weekend just as much as I plan to make the most of mine…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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