The illustrious Big Mama is hosting a Fashion Fiesta! Ole! Margarita anyone?
So, I am joining in to share what I wear. She wants to peek in our closets and see what we wear on the daily. You know, to drop the kids off at school or run to Target, or to playgroup. At least that is what I am doing on a daily basis and I have to wear clothes to do it, so, here goes.
I thought I would start at the top and work my way down. Here are 3 of my favorite shirts right now.
The first one on the left is from Sarah Jessica Parker’s line at Steve & Barry’s and only cost me like 8 bucks. The second one is from Old Navy and the coral colored one is from Target. I mean do you really need to shop anywhere else for Mommy Wear? What can I say, I don’t get out much.
Next are my fav jeans.
These are my “put-’em-on-in-the-morning-to-drop-off-The-B-Man” pants. Nuff said. (oh except that they are VERY comfortable!)
And since I RARELY wear short shorts (even though it gets Hot as Hades here in Texas) here are pair of my capri’s and a pair of long shorts that I wear quite frequently.
This is classic outfit for me. The favorite long shorts and a black top.
Lastly, here are my shoes. The first pic shows what I wear when there are perfectly pedicured toes. The second shows the ones I wear when it’s time to make a trip back to the salon..
These were my birthday gift to myself. The purse is great because it holds everything I need, including a diaper and goes right over my shoulder. Love it.
I also have to show something I would love wear if I could wear Any. Little. Ole. Thing. Well mine would have to be something like this:
A girl can dream. Can I get her personal trainer too?
That wraps it up. So, what do you wear? I’d love to know. And go over to Big Mama’s place to see what everyone else is wearing too!
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I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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