I am leaving in the morning for my first Type A conference (yes, I kind of resemble the name…). Of course I am a bit nervous because I’ve never been to Type A and there will be new people to meet and unfamiliar stuff. Also, my best conference buddy will not be there this time (boo). I am, however, excited to meet new people so the nerves are more about that than anything else really. I’m an extrovert, so it’s all good, except maybe when I scare an introvert with my extrovert-ness. Sorry.
Which leads me to want I really want to say today: Having a shy kid, when you are not, is HARD.
My middle child is that kid. This morning I stayed at school for a bit to help B’s class with something and G was outside before they were about to leave on a field trip. All the kids were playing and he was standing by himself, sad that I was not tagging along for the field trip. I am his best buddy. Well me, or one of his siblings. He has no friends of his own and it makes me terribly sad. Partly because I cannot understand it and partly because I really just want him to have at least one kid he can be friends with. That’s all.
So I wonder if anyone can offer advice on how to get him out of his shell. I am sure there are many articles and books on this topic. But I don’t really have time to read those things right now. Plus, some of you may have been through this with your own kids and have found a solution of some sort.
I know every kid is different and what worked for yours may not work for mine. I’ve thought of asking his teacher if there is a way to match him up with a “buddy” in class but I’m afraid he would probably turn that child away as well. He barely speaks to people outside of the family, unless he knows them really well or they are one of his siblings’ friends. He’s a bit of anxious child so I know it’s close to impossible for him to go up to someone else and ask for things, for example to play with him.
It’s also hard within our family sometimes because the other two children have kids they go places with and spend the night at their houses. G doesn’t have that. Again, I know this is partly his personality but I feel like he is missing out on something. Or lots of somethings.
I seriously want to know what any of you reading this may think of have to say about this. Should I just leave it alone and know that he will be okay in his own way? Probably, huh? I just know the joy having close friends can bring and would love for him to have someone to bond with and talk to at school.
Man, this parenting gig is hard sometimes…
Do you have any introverted children? Any tips or tidbits appreciated!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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