Every child should be able to do this….
…or have the opportunity to do this…
…or even do this if they feel so inclined…
I say all this because I believe it. And my new friend Jay is doing a wonderful thing for kids who may not get the chance to do these things. PLEASE go see him and if you can support his wonderful cause I know he will be ever so grateful. He’s even giving away some great stuff, including space on the top of his head. I know, it sounds strange, but it’s true. I mean, would I lie to you?
I’m also linking up to Photostory Friday so we can get this message out there even more.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
LOVE the photos and the sentiment. Every kid needs a chance to just be a kid as often as possible.
I’m glad you’re using PSF to link up…off to check out the space on top of his head…
Love this!! Great reminder
I love that pic of the girls leaning over the deck. My grampa and I used to spit watermelon seeds off of his deck in the summertime. Such good memories.
great message, great pictures
if you can’t be a kid how can you ever be a adult. great photo friday
If any post has made me smile this week, it’s this one!
What a great idea. I love the pictures and the thoughtful words with them.
Awwww-so true!!
I see you are having a fun time w/Picnik!! Isnt it great!!
LOVE the pictures!
Wonderful post!!
What fun pictures! They remind me that I should make it easier for my kids to be loud and explore. It seems I am always telling them to be quieter. I am so ready for Spring weather so we can get outside more!
I love this…thanks for the reminder!
What a sweet post. And thanks for the link. I’ll have to check it out.
What a sweet, tender, touching post! Kudos to Jay.
And B? You make me laugh, kid!
What an awesome post and a wonderful thing Jay is doing. You’re so right – every child should be able to do all of those things and more. Thanks for such an awesome post!
You are absolutely RIGHT. What an awesome, powerful sentiment Elaine.
Great post to support Jay!
awesome pics friend
Love the photos and the video.
They absolutely do!
This is great, a wonderful reminder.
I believe kids should be kids. I love that first shot.
I so agree. And that second picture is so cute. My two girls have that skirt from the children’s place so colorful
Amen, kids should definitely be kids.
OMG, Ben cracked me up! Where did he get that? So funny!
Very cool, what cute photos.
what a clever way to get the word out about Jay’s mission!!! thanks for sharing. and i love that picture of A in the grass.
Such a great cause! Perfect PSF!! I love your heart Elaine!