I saw this over at Christy’s blog and I just had to do it myself.
You go to Google and type in your name and then the word “needs” and the first 10 appropriate things that come up are what you list in your post. Let me tell you, a few of mine were NOT all that appropriate. Anywho, here’s what I got. I found them quite amusing… (my commentary is in parenthesis)
Elaine Needs to spend time undergoing complex treatment number 4 (I hope this isn’t painful…)
Elaine Needs this net of scissors shirt (I think they’re right, it is a pretty cool shirt!)
Elaine needs your prayers (always.)
Elaine needs… to find a hobby (no, I already have plenty of those thanks!)
Elaine needs your vote (yeah. I am running for slacker of the year. I have a good chance of winning)
Elaine needs an e. (well, actually to be spelled correctly, it needs two “e”s)
Elaine needs our help if she’s going to lead our city to a sustainable future. (I may “need” to do this but it probably isn’t going to happen so don’t get your hopes up people)
Elaine needs no help in getting in touch with her feelings. (‘nuff said)
Elaine needs to do ab workouts. (how rude)
Elaine needs to line up her actions with her desire and intentions to find love (I think I am ok in this department, but you other Elaine’s out there might wanna work on this.)
Let me know if you try it too! : )
hehe thats too much fun!
Maybe I’ll give it a try later…but my name is so unique, you don’t get many hits!
Ha! That is funny.
honey that’s funny.
although not gonna lie, i am kinda scared to try it!!
Hahah, that is so much fun! Love your commentary
So…which city are you leading? Can I live there?
oh i love it… i think i will use it for my next thursday 13!
This is hilarious! I totally have to try it. Your commentary is so funny!
Love it!
LOL! This is too funny – especially your notes! I just tried it, and almost everything has to do with Christina Aguilera. Ugh, I hate her.
Oh, and I’m looking to you to lead our city into a sustainable future.
OK, apparently I need:
Men; an eccentric beauty parlor; “your help”; to grow up; 2 therapists; Facebook; a new home; and gatorade.
I did it. I will probably not post it until tomorrow though. With two famous Nicole’s in the news I got some interesting hits. Also, I skipped the ones that came up on other people’s blogs who had already done this. It was fun.
My search led me to a blog about an orphan with my name. Apparently orphans have a lot of needs… who knew?
That’s a hoot. I need to stop blogging and that’s that.
How funny…I’ll post mine tomorrow.
These lists are so funny! Did you try your husband’s name as well? Oh so much fun.
Too funny
It looks like fun!
That’s a good one! I’m too scared to google myself … Trannyhead “needs?” I can only imagine that NONE of those will eb appropriate.
I did this for my Thursday Thirteen post next week. Pretty interesting!
I think this looks like too much fun!
Love yours!