We had a lovely Easter weekend that included wonderful home-cooked meals, family, chocolate, cupcakes, egg hunting, churchin’ and well, rain.
When I woke up around 5 a.m. to hear the torrentual down-pour on my windows I just knew there would be nary an outdoor egg hunt for us Sunday. But I was wrong. The sun finally decided to show itself in the late afternoon and things dried up just enough for a lovely hunt out in the driveway/front yard.
The B Man didn’t want to go to the egg hunt at our church so we did not attend and he was happy with just our own little event here at the house. Admirable if you ask me, because I helped them stuff the eggs at church last weekend and woah! But that was fine with me since we have enough candy around here already to last us as long as a package of Peeps. (the ones sitting by me on my desk don’t expire until 2012, thankyouverymuch.)
So on Saturday we made some fun “bunny” cupcakes. (Thanks to Wendy for tweeting the link to these!) The B Man had a blast decorating several all by himself and I think he did a fine job if you ask me.

Little G had fun stacking the “naked” ones into a cupcake tower. But it wasn’t a very pretty scene when we had to tear him away to commence nap time…

And here are the finished products:

While Little G napped we colored eggs.

I had to leave that night for a while to go to the Easter Vigil service and even though it’s a long one, it was well worth it for the chills that ran up my spine as our choir finished the “Hallelujah Chorus.” Our church has good acoustics. : )
Then on Sunday we rised and shined early to go to church again (well me anyway) as a family. After digging into their Easter baskets we took the sugared-up kiddos to mass! Aw, just kidding, Little G managed to only break into one piece of chocolate (I think…). And please, take note of the Peeps that we will still be able to eat when my child, that is currently in the womb, is 2.5 years old.
As you can see below, Little G absolutely refused to wear his tie (and I mean REFUSED!) but other than that, they looked sharp, my boys…
(this picture perfeclty reflects their personalities, by the way…)
And a family one (it’s the best we could get!)
For lunch we enjoyed glazed ham, steamed asparagus, potato casserole, ceasar salad, and homemade rolls (my first time to make them from scratch!). It was ALL good. And for dessert? Bunny cupcakes and angel food cake with strawberries. Delish.
And here are a few shots from our Easter egg hunt. And yes, Little G is still wearing his church clothes, which he also napped in. No, he would not wear a tie, but he also would NOT take these off. Absolutey REFUSED (where have we heard this before?). He’s got a mind of his own, that one.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter. I can certainly say mine was blessed with family, renewal and love.
Here’s a last pic of my Mom and The B Man relaxing together out back, listening to the birds and watching the squirrels…
There’s still time to enter the giveaway I’m hosting – go here to check it out!
Awww, what a lovely Easter you have had! I love the cupcakes, the coloured eggs, and the boys’ cute outfits! My boys have enough problems wearing collared shirts, let alone ties, so I think you do VERY well to get your boys looking so handsome
Love that shot of your Mom & the B-Man – SUPER cute!
Looks like you had lots of fun! Where do you come up with all these cute ideas for cupcakes and crafts? I just love the bunny cupcakes. I hope you all had a great Easter.
Glad to hear you guys had an awesome Easter! The pictures are fabulous!
Oh! BTW I got Jackson that same shirt B-man is wearing (the shark one) just the other day…when I saw it on him I thought…what a coincidence!
I loved reading about your Easter–it sounds wonderful!
Love all the pictures, too. the last picture was so sweet!
It looks like you all had a great day! The cupcakes are adorable!
You look great!!! Sounds like the boys had a great day! I love the last picture.
Check out the giveaways on my other blog! http://www.sensiblefinds.com
What a great Easter!
Love the bunny cakes!
the cupcakes look delish!! and love the family picture
but my favorite is the last one…a total keeper!
Aw, the boys are adorable in their church clothes. I have a feeling Kamden would refuse to wear a tie too, that G, what a guy!
And peeps, those are marshmallow things right? Frightening how long they last and frankly the need to, does anyone actually like them?
I am all about the chocolate!
I am totally giggling at your cute title. :o) I’m easy!
Ben’s bunny cupcakes are adorable!! You guys are a darling family. So glad you had a wonderful Easter!
Looks like a great Easter!
That last photo is a framer.
Aww. I absolutely ADORE little boys in dress clothes. SO cute! And my Tommy (also the second boy) took off his tie about 300 times too. hehe
LOVE that last photo. So precious!
Sounds like a wonderful Easter! Thanks for sharing your pics!
So much cuteness!
Your boys are so handsome!!
Looks like a great day. Your meal sounds delicious.
too cute! and LOVE the bunny cupcakes!
I love the tie and button downs
I was bummed when I heard rain too…but it did clear up!
Cute little cupcakes…feel guilty reading your blog, my kids have never had Peeps (do you think I’m scarring them;) )
The bunny cupcakes are adorable.
What fun bunny cup cakes!
AWESOME looking Easter!
I love your last picture! LOVE it! What a perfect grandparent picture.
And the bunny cupcakes are so so cute. I love them! I’m thinking maybe next year a great idea!
What a great day, those bunnies and eggs came out so nice. I love the family pictures too, the boys are so handsome in their dress clothes.
Cool cupcakes! You have a lovely family.
looks like yall had a wonderful Easter! I am laughing at G and his refusal! sounds very familiar. james now refuses to go anywhere without his hat. good thing i was able to find an easter hat for him to wear to church or he would have been all dressed up with his ball cap on!
I think those Easter outfits are the cutest ever!! That picture of your mom & the B-man is just perfect!
Very cute pictures!