We made a trip to Austin for this Easter weekend and what a cold weekend it was! It sleeted off and on most of the day on Saturday and my mother enjoyed watching the thermostat go down that entire morning… we couldn’t believe it! We even had to borrow a jacket from Ben’s cousins so that he didn’t freeze! So, we pretty much hung out in the house and my mom and I put together this sheep cake on Saturday afternoon.
Ben had fun this weekend playing with his cousins, helping to color eggs, but mostly playing with the myriad of toy cars that my mother has to play with at her house. He always ends up bringing one or more back home with us but there is still quite a collection there that he just has to play with – alot! My mother’s living room floor looked like this several times:
But here is the favorite car – and what color is it? GREEN!!
And here are some classic Easter shots, including Daniel in his Easter duds, his sisters Catherine and Grace also in their beautiful dresses and Ben with his cousins “after the hunt.” I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! He is Risen!
Hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter too!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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