Categories: FamilyHolidays

Easter At Its Best

We went to Easter mass at the church I grew up attending. The mass happened to be geared more towards children and Father James called them up to the altar to show them his Easter basket. Inside one egg he had candy which sent them all into a tizzy. Once he calmed them down he showed them another egg which was empty. Needless to say they weren’t nearly as impressed with that one. He explained that the spirit and love of Jesus was inside and that he was always with them, and all of us for that matter. After a few more words he sent them back to their seats.

The B Man took the long way back to our pew and when he finally returned sat down on Tim’s lap and asked, “Dada, was that the Easter Bunny?”

Ok, so he missed the point just a little, but that’s okay. He’s only 4 after all, well, in a week and half anyway…
We had a wonderful weekend with family surrounding us. Saturday was absolutely gorgeous and The B Man was able to attend a neighborhood egg hunt, color eggs and play really hard at his cousin’s house. It cooled off for Easter Sunday but thankfully it didn’t rain. And of course there was no stopping the egg hunt at Grandma & Grandpas’s (The B Man’s 4th)!
Here are some highlights in pictures.
Just waiting…

Coloring eggs!

Swingin’ with Cousin Grace

Beautiful BOY! (my nephew Daniel)

Oooh, Ice Cream!

Easter Family

Easter Basket cake

Easter Cousins! (Catherine, Daniel, Grace)

Easter Egg Hunt (I promise there are some in B Man’s basket!)

Cousin Megan and Little G

And now you will witness the demise of the Chocolate Bunny.


We had a fun filled weekend and a blessed Easter. The Lord is so good to us! He has given us so many gifts including life everlasting!

“Jesus Christ has risen today. Alleluia!”


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