This is probably absolutely THE longest break I’ve taken from blogging since like 2009. Or 2008.
It’s the truth, Ruth.
Kinda sad, huh?
It’s sort of funny the stages one goes through when deciding/needing/taking said break.
First is the “Ah man, I totally need a break from my blog and twitter and FB! I’m gonna do it!”
The second stage is “I’m taking a break, I’m really doing it, I can totally do this (meanwhile asking yourself “where’s my phone?” and thinking, “Quick I can tweet this!”)
Third stage is turning off your computer all the way and accepting that a break is a REALLY good thing.
Stage four is “Oh my Gawd, I haven’t posted in DAYS this means NO ONE is looking at my blog or reading it because the same thing has been there FOREVER and Oh NO! they are going to forget about me and no one is going to remember ‘The Miss Elaine-ous Life’, WHATHAVEIDONE?!?!?!?!?!?”
And, stage five is….
“Guess I need to get on the ole blog and do a post.” *dusts off lap top*
Seriously, the break was awesome, and much needed.
Although my waistline might disagree.
Amazingly enough I still manged to run 10 miles for my training on Saturday, although my legs almost felt like they were going to fall off when I was done. Probably because I was carrying the extra weight of a “food baby” with me. Ahem.
We had a great time with our friends while they were here and the kids all acted just like siblings. I’m sure you can imagine what that means…
It’s Miss-Elaine-ous Monday once again!
Remember, ANY “miss elaine-ous” post will do, something from your archives or something brand new! 🙂
Do you have a post that meant a lot to you but wasn’t read by as many folks as you’d hoped? Or one that has great pictures and you want more people to see them? Or do you just have one that you really want to share!?
I’ll also choose a random post from those who link up to feature on The Miss Elaine-ous Life Facebook page (please “Like” if you have not already) so even more folks will see a new post every week! Grab the button and link up! And please visit some of the other linkers as well…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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