Sometimes motherhood smacks you in the face. I kinda feel liked I’ve been smacked around a lot lately. I have some emotional bruises to prove it. My kids may too. But I hope they are healed by the hugs and kisses I dole out and the jokes we tell and the times we spend playing or building together.
I’m tired right now. EVERY night my Little G wakes up to go pee or has already peed, if you get my drift. I’ve now washed his entire set of bedding (which includes a comforter/duvet thingy that has to be reassembled…) two days in a row. And Tim has been a huge help in the middle of the night, usually getting up with him but I still wake up. It’s like having an infant again.
And I’m not sure why he’s regressed in this area. So then I do start to wonder. What’s up with him that he’s wearing a pull-up again tonight, after MONTHS without them? What have I done wrong?
I promised myself I’d be more patient, understanding. With both of us. But sometimes it’s SO hard.
I fussed at the boys tonight because they were up in their room, making noise much past bedtime and I know they need their rest. And lately, anytime I fuss at him, The B Man says to me “You don’t like me!” But it’s SO not true. Of course I like him. I love him so, so much.
But I’m tired.
The other night Little G did sleep through, without getting up until about 6:00 a.m. It was like the first time one of our babies “slept through the night”. Tim and I looked at each other in bed, with new clarity of a full night’s sleep and he said to me, “oh thank goodness he slept all night.”
This morning I put the clean bedding back on his bed again while he was at school and Baby K was napping. When I was done I lay down on it and smelled the lingering scent of my little boy as I drifted off for a few minutes.
I love them all so much. But sometimes this Mama gig is a bit tough. Right now I think sleep would help a lot though so, goodnight… I can only hope that we all sleep tight…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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