Categories: fun stuff

PSF – Down on the Farm

We went down on the farm.

I had sweat dripping down my back just minutes after exiting the car.

The baby touched some ‘dead’ poison ivy. (she’s fine)

I spent $7.25

I talked with some of my friends.

I wore the baby as I sought out and picked my portion of the bounty.

I let the boy have a green Popsicle from the freezer inside the shed.

The bottled water from the same fridge, well, it tasted GOOOOOD.

We ‘sampled’ some of the fresh organic fruit.

I took some pictures.

We made it out before the rain came.

It was a GOOD morning.

(click on collage to enlarge)

(*Little G was at ‘Summer School’ while we were on our little adventure so that’s why he’s not pictured here…)

Hosted by Cecily



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