The other morning I sleepy-eyed open the freezer like I do on most mornings. I pulled the cardboard tab to open yet another box of “toaster sticks”, as we call them.
My messy-haired self stuck two of them in the toaster and another directly on a plastic IKEA plate. Someone I know likes them frozen. It says on the box to toast them first and not to consume frozen but we like to break the rules around here.
I got spoons for their yogurts and asked the oldest which cereal he wanted, while I packed his lunch with a turkey sandwich, an apple, a water (every other day it’s water or a juice box) and some gold fish. He also likes dark chocolate so I threw a square in there for “dessert”.
I made my coffee and my eggs with cheese and when the coffee pot beeped out that it was finished I filled my mug with it’s caffeinated goodness and added a little creamer.
After the 2nd-grader and his Dad left for school and work the almost-5-year old asked for “second breakfast” (you all have hobbits in your house too, right?) and he settled on a TLC cereal bar. His “third” breakfast was basically the same thing, a piece of whole wheat toast with strawberry preserves. Sometimes he even asks for a “jam samich”.
Some mornings they have a little glass of lower sugar o.j. Some mornings (usually a Saturday) they have canned cinnamon rolls (reduced fat… sure…). Some mornings they have pancakes with real maple syrup. We go between wheat and regular, blueberries or not.
The rest of their diet consists of the usual things kids like such as chicken nuggets (homemade or frozen or fast…), PB sandwiches, french fries (but I try to limit this!) mac n’ cheese, pasta, pizza, various fresh fruits and veggies, granola bars for snacks, nuts, cheese (although oldest doesn’t like it unless it’s on the pizza), hamburgers (homemade or fast… ugh…), and various “treats”. Oh and Mexican or Asian food that we eat out, like Thai or Chinese. Plus a decent amount of birthday cake at other kids’ parties!
I’m telling you this because I feel like there is constant information out there about how to feed or NOT feed our kids. And I really do try to make sure they have a good, balanced diet but there are still things we/they eat that are probably not always the “best” choice. But with our busy lives and the day-to-day constant of having to EAT! I feel like I am doing the best I can. No, I do not spend all day in the kitchen making things from scratch. That is just not my thing. The littles sometimes have oatmeal or eggs for breakfast too. I whip up a batch of homemade granola bars on occasion and they all love nuts and nut butters. We usually just have a meat or fish, veggies and a fruit for dinner.
Do they eat too much birthday cake and treats, probably so. Do I feel guilty? Some days yes, other days I just cannot.
I feel like I have friends that are doing a lot better than me but then we go to my Mom’s she thinks we eat a little “crazy” because I buy certain things for my kids that have less sugar or more whole grain and I’m always reading the labels of the old things in her pantry and fridge. (love you Mom)
And then there’s the fact that I read things about “pink slime” (how horrible!!!) and that there are chemicals in the cans used for canned goods and that we shouldn’t cook with teflon and GMO’s everywhere! And the microwave I use A LOT is evil too…
This is hard stuff, y’all. I just want good food to feed my kids (and myself for that matter). Why does it have to be so hard?
Do you think about this as much as I do? How do you feel about the way you feed your kids?
p.s. one of my VERY favorite snacks is Annie’s Kettle Corn. Get you some. It’s awesome!!! (not paid to say that, btw…)
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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