There was a time in my life (high school) when I LOVED reading and writing poetry. Because I was going through some of my old writing tonight, I thought I would share one from the archives. Let me know what you think. I guess I am finally ready to share…
The sharp din stings my tender
And dreamful knowledge
Escaping through the slowly
Transforming lands and
Crashing into my world
Not too long ago I was driving
In an elevator, singing Christmas carols
Even sooner I was drowning
In a pool in the desolate desert,
No one to save me
For if it is not the screaming timer,
It is the maternal monarch,
Executing her morning power
Before me I can sightlessly
Picture reality
Not too fast, for dreams are
Shattered, dispelled
So, I exit my car and thus the elevator
Yet my songs continue as I rise,
Singing “Fa la la la la…”
While the a.m.’s waterfall
Forms rivers on my skin,
This was really good, Elaine – wonderfully written and meaningful words – well done!!
Bravo Elaine! I am duly impressed as there is no way I could weite poetry- I struggle with full on sentences, ha ha.
You already have this award, but I gave it to you (again) over at my place : ).
Thanks for stopping by my blog!! And yes, saying my hubby looks good in that tropical get up is DEFINITELY a compliment!! I mean, doesn’t every gal dream of having their hubby win 3rd place in a cross dressing competition???
Love your blog!! Will be back!
Quite nice, Elaine! I’m impressed. Maybe I should dig up my old poetry, too!
WOW! I am so impressed! you have talent Girl!
yay for you!!
you run and write poetry?? i can’t keep up honey!!
Very impressive. You should be proud of yourself! Not only for your amazing poem, but for sharing it also!
I’m always impressed with people who can write poetry. My husband was in a Masters program to be a professor of poetry……he became a lawyer instead.
But I still catch him writing little snippets of poetry.
That was awesome! You have a talent there!
Side note–let me know about the blogger dinner!
Um, I am not expert but if you had told me some famous poet wrote that, I would have thought, wow, cool.
You should not be shy to share your genius!!!
Elaine! That’s beautiful! Just when I already think you’re an amazing person, you go and impress me again!
Beautiful girlie!!
I love poetry!!
You know that now you have “come out” you are going to have to share MORE!!
It’s beautiful – fantastic!! I’m so glad you decided it to share it, you’re braver than me
Maybe we’ll get to read more????
that was awesome!! WWWAAAYYYYY better than I could have ever done!
Thanks for sharing a little piece of you!
Wow…beautiful and wonderfully written! My DH is the poet in our family…your style reminds me of his.
You sure do write some “purdy” words!
Thanks for sharing!
Although from different places, but this perception is consistent, which is relatively rare point!
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