When I was the age that we would now categorize as a “tween”, my mom found a recipe for Disappearing Marshmallow Brownies. Back then she would have gotten it out of a church cook book, a magazine or the local paper. You know, instead of Pinterest. She made them the first time when my friend Julie came to our house for a sleepover and she and I loved them so much that my Mom continued to make them pretty much every time Julie was our guest (thank you, Julie!).
After a while my Mom moved on to other desserts but would still occasionally make these awesome brownies. One day, after Tim and I were married he called her for the recipe and jotted it down. This “copy” is laminated in my recipe binder. It’s a keeper.
I have since made them for my kids quite a few times and because we were stuck in the house for a few days last week for the South’s version of SNOWMG!! I made sure I had the provisions to make them (they include one ingredient that I do not always have).
Or so I thought. Turned out there was more than one…
See, I knew I needed butterscotch chips, which I do not always keep in stock in my pantry. But I bought those! Yay for me – thinking ahead (it’s not my best skill). But the Target near me was out of mini marshmallows because SNOWMG!!! WE MUST ALL DRINK HOT CHOCOLATE AND HAVE MARSHMALLOWS IF WE WILL BE STUCK IN OUR HOUSE WHILE IT SLEETS FOR AN HOUR! So I bought the big ones. Improvisation #1.
Then. When I went to get my brown sugar out of the sealed container? HARD. AS. A. ROCK. Like, I broke the container trying to get it out.
Hello Mr. Google – “substitute for brown sugar…”
1 cup of granulated sugar + 1 tbsp molasses.
“Molasses!! I totally have that!”, I thought!
Check it y’all. I totally got this.
So I cut up the big marshmallows to make “mini” ones and mixed my own brown sugar. Just call me Mrs. Ingalls.
Also? I was not going to let these precious, darling omg driving me crazy by snow day 2 kids down! (i.e. I wanted the damn brownies just as bad as they did and if I had to tell them that I could not make them then I might get pummeled to death with BIG marshmallows) (but what an awesome way to go, right?)!!!
Thankfully I was able to improvise and the result was this:
Okay, okay, wipe the drool off of your mouth. I get it.
Now here’s the awesome recipe for you since I am a “Share-er” (some might say I “over share” but whatever).
Expert Tip: if you have to improvise a little, it’s okay. 😉
1 cup butterscotch chips
1 stick of butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 1/2 cups of flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups mini marshmallows
2 cups chocolate chips
Heat over to 350 degrees and grease 9 x 13 pan.
In a large non-stick pan melt butter and butterscotch chips over medium heat. Cool to room temperature. Pour butter mixture into a large mixing bowl and add brown sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, and mix. Add eggs and vanilla and mix until all ingredients are well combined. Fold in chocolate chips and marshmallows. Spread into pre-greased pan and bake for 25-28 minutes. Middle will still be soft but will harden as brownies cool.
And then you’ll want to eat them ALL.
No worries though, they literally will “disappear” in a flash. 😀
Aptly named, yes?
What is something your mom made growing up that you just loved to devour?
This post was inspired by my friend Andrea and my other friend Galit. Go read their posts. And get good recipes from them too! 🙂
Also, since I just gave you your new favorite recipe, can you pretty please do me a favor and vote for my writing on BlogHer for Voices of the Year? (you do have to be logged in to vote). Thank you bunches!!
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I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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