… that I peed my pants in the third grade?
What can I say? It’s late and I need to post something.
Third grade was fine otherwise, except for THAT day. Well and the one where I got in trouble for talking too much in social studies and the teacher made me go back into my home room class and write my name on the board in front of the TAG (talented and gifted) kids. That wasn’t so fun either.
Anywho, on with the pee story.
I had to go after recess but I guess I ignored my urges and missed my chance. When we got back into class and were working on something I REALLY had to go. I walked up to my teacher’s desk and asked her for the hall pass. I clearly remember her slathering on her bright red lipstick while asking me why I didn’t go when everyone else did after recess. I told her I did not know but that I had to go now.
She refused me the the pass and pointed to my chair with a very stern finger to sit back down. So like a good little girl, I did. And then not too long after than, my bladder gave out.
I. was. mortified.
And, honestly, I’m pretty sure she was too.
Most things are a blur post-accident except I do remember the puddle in the blue chair and one little boy named Johnny asking me, “did you do that?” Um, yep, that was me, thanks.
I assume my mother was called to bring me a change of clothes, but honestly, I don’t remember. I know I didn’t stay wet all day, so that must have been the case.
I was mad at that teacher for a while. As a matter of fact, she went to the same church as my family and I would often see her there and think that it wasn’t a very Christian thing that she did that day. I understand trying to teach kids a lesson but NOT when it comes to their bladder and TOTAL embarrassment in front of their classmates. NOT. COOL.
I did get over it but even to this day, if I see her at my parents’ church while we are visiting, I think of her as “the teacher who didn’t let me ‘go’ and therefore caused me to pee in my chair.” What a way to go down in my mental history, huh?
So to all you teachers out there. PLEASE, I implore you, let the kid go pee. ‘Cause like Annie says, “When you gotta go, you gotta go…”
I had an incident of humiliation in the 3rd grade as well, although it did not involve bodily functions.
It did however make me feel small and embarrassed and so I still remember it and the teacher who did it to me.
I feel your pain gal, and I can’t believe she didn’t let you go…I mean c’mon!
When students need to go outside of the regular bathroom time, I always ask them if it is enough of an emergency to give up three minutes of their recess. If the answer is yes, then I help them run their rears down to the bathroom.
So sorry you had to pee yourself in 3rd grade. Have I ever told you about the Wild Turkey dance floor incident that ended in a yellow river? No? Maybe one day I can go back there.
So not cool of that teacher!! I bet she learned her lesson though…because who probably had to clean up the pee??? I’m thinking she did…
I just don’t get people who don’t understand that esp. the ones who are around children! I’m sorry you had to go through that and I really hope that teacher learned her lesson because like you said ‘when you gotta go…’
I’ll never forget 5th grade, we had an assembly and the teacher made it very clear we were not to ask to go. Of course I had to go. I was able to hold it the whole time but I was dying and really should have went ahead and asked. I still have issues now about holding it.
Oh my…I bet she was pretty darn embarrassed too – at least she should have been!! If I were your momma, I would have been mad!!!
Oh, the embarassment! Poor third grade Elaine.
SO, does the same rule apply to my 3 y old who insists on getting out of bed to go sit on the potty, you know, RIGHT AFTER I PUT HIM TO BED FOR THE NIGHT? He has yet to pee that one last time (he is potty trained) but even though my mind knows he’s jacking around with me and prolonging bedtime, another part says, “What if he really needs to go”?.
I fully understand!!! I forgot to put my shorts on in gym class in grade 3 and ran out of the change room in my white undies with blue flowers. The gym teacher did nothing!! I still remember that man!!
that’s terrible! so sorry!
Oh, that stinks!
Fortunately, my kids are way past that stage! And, there is a bathroom next door.
you handled this with much more dignity than i did in 6th grade..that’s right. i sat on the teachers grade book and peed on it. yep, and got kicked out of school for it. but, well, i had to go…right?
i wonder why my kids are so ornery?
I sure hope the teacher learned her lesson from this one.
I don’t think that’s ever happened to me. If it has I must have blocked it from my memory. I bet you were mortified! I would have been. I hope that teacher learned from that!
I hope she learned her lesson after what happened to you. Sheesh.
When I taught I always, always let the kids go when they said they had to. My first year I got an angry phone call because I would not let a frequent abuser of the bathroom pass go when he had just went. Well, the little stinker went home and told his mom and I got reamed out! Me! So from then on out I let kids go to the bathroom when they wanted but I would tell them that if they had to go more than 3-4 times a day I would be calling their parents because I was “worried.” Then when I called said parents I would request a doctor’s note because I was so “worried” that something must be wrong, you would be amazed how fast some of those bathroom absusers stopped abusing, lol! Sorry this was really long, lol
You poor thing! If I taught elementary school, I’d definitely be lenient with bathroom passes. I’m pretty lenient now with my 8th graders because sometimes it just hits you!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…..you poor thing!
OMG! That is terrible. I have a post running this week about how my boys wait until the last minute, but there is no excuse for not letting them go!
as a teacher i will tell you that i am all for the pee when you have to philosophy!
not to mention throw up when you have to – seriously the smell of throw up in a trashcan never leaves a classroom.
just give me the signal and go!
I can’t imagine! That would be awful. I had bladder problems as a kid so I’m glad no teachers did that to me!
When I was teaching sixth grade I would let my students use the restroom, but their consequence for not planning ahead was that they had to wear the Potty Prancers to the restroom. They were big yellow clown shoes which I had written Potty Prancers on both sides in black Magic Marker. They were very careful about choosing when it was really important to use the restroom during class. And I enjoyed myself immensely.
Oh that’s mean! I wonder if she thinks about that when she sees you too
I once spilled my entire thermos of soup on my lap at lunch time while at school. That was pretty embarrassing, I can only imagine how you felt!
My mom is a retired school principal and she FORBADE the teachers from limiting bathroom access. She thought it was absurd to say things like, “Can it wait?” I mean – isn’t that TMI?
Aww so sorry! It’s not right for a teacher to tell a child that they can’t go to the washroom. The same thing happened to my sister in grade 1. She ended up peeing her pants, too. The teacher felt terrible about it, and called my mom that night to apologize. Still, it was wrong.