Dessert Dilema

Okay people. This is serious business. I need help. (but y’all already knew that, right?)

Anyway, I have a little bit of a quandry going on here and I said to myself, “Who better to help me decide than my ‘sweet’ bloggy buddies?”
Let me back up by saying that I have sworn off sweets until Thanksgiving because I was pigging out over here like… well… a piggy. I know, sickening. Let’s face it, I was afraid someone else might eat my Trader Joe’s snacks so I snarfed most of them myself. And well Mr. Will Power and I are NOT getting along so well right now.

But now that the TJ snacks have been severely diminished (I did have a little help…) and after stepping on the scale the other day and almost falling off the one inch buggar, I figured I’d better slow down.

All that being said, I still love pie. I love pretty much any pie except for cherry. CANNOT stand cherry. I am sure a lot of you out there are all “WHA??? YOU NO LOVE CHERRY?” That’s right folks it’s true so get over it and move on ’cause I got stuff that’s gonna make you forget all about that lame cherry junk.
I also A-DORE cheesecake. Like if someone sat me down and said that for the rest of my life all I could eat was cheesecake I would SO be okay with that. Really. I would.

So here’s the deal. I’ve found 3 (count ’em three…) recipes for pie/cheesecake desserts that are options to make on Thanksgiving (God bless the Pilgrims and Indians for sharing the love when they did). However, I cannot make all three because I am making a regular pecan pie and a regular pumpkin pie (per my husband’s request) and also, my taste buds cannot decide. So, I need your pie opinion please (say that 3 times fast!).
Here are our options.
Option #1: Turtle Pumpkin Pie

This one basically has pecans on the bottom, pumpkin pie in the middle and whipped cream and caramel sauce on top. It would be the easiest to make but a little redundant since I am already making pecan and pumpkin pies. But it looks good, doesn’t it?

Option #2 Pumpkin Chocolate Cheesecake

Now this one has chocolate AND cheesecake so I’m a little partial, but still not completely sold. And I am not sure exactly why. I am salivating a lot little right now though.

Option #3 – Pumpkin Cheesecake

Simple and undoubtably delicious. And, if I added a little caramel sauce on top, probably close to perfect.

Certainly you can see why I am in a little pickle here, right? I mean how in the world do I choose? So help me, which one sounds (and looks!) the best to you? My dessert dilema is in your hands. : )


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