Categories: GodLife

Dependent on Him

I used to think that my happiness depended on other people. I would get so upset and irritated when they did not act the way I wanted or expected them to. I will be completely honest, I wanted everyone in my life to fit inside some perfect little box, or imaginary boundaries of behavior that I created in my head. And if they did not do it? I was unhappy because of the way THEY acted. My unhappiness or discomfort was THEIR fault.

In recent months I have come to realize that basing my own happiness on someone else’s actions is no way to live. My kids are going to tick me off at times. Or misbehave. Other people are going to annoy me and are definitely going to act in ways that I do not like or approve of. This does not mean my life is led by those occurrences.


After all these realizations, I came to the most important one. The only One I can truly depend on is God. Because He is always there for me to fall back on. Plus you know what? He is not human or flawed. Yes, he was here for a bit as a human, to take away our sins and redeem us… but now he is our Heavenly Father. He is our all in all, the one who saves us from ourselves and he is THE only one to always depend on. He is our rock.



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Tags: #NaBloPoMo

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