Today, Friday November 6th 2009 marks mine and Tim’s 10th wedding anniversary. An entire decade of wedded bliss.
Did I just say bliss?
Okay, I know what y’all are thinking, certainly it hasn’t ALL been that fantastic. And of course you are right. Marriage is wonderful but it’s hard and challenging and even though I love the man to bits it doesn’t mean there haven’t been days that I’ve wanted to smack him. And hard.
But the good days have certainly out-weighed the not-so-good ones and honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing…
Anyway, I thought I would list 10 things that I’ve learned about marriage – one per year, get it? I am SO original! And then I’ll get all mushy, K?
Alrighty, here’s my list (with past pictures of us…)
1. You have to be willing to give and take. Some days you’ll give more and some days you’ll take more. That’s just how it goes.
2. Sick husbands can be uh… ‘challenging’. But you still take care of them because you love them (and you know they would do the same for you, at least mine does!)
3. Trust is paramount. If you don’t have that, you don’t really have a good foundation for a relationship, at least in my humble opinion.
4. The person you marry MUST have a good sense of humor. ‘Cause if you can’t laugh together, all bets are off.
5. Make sure you know who is supposed to take out the trash (it’s HIM by the way…)
6. After kids make sure you still spend quality time together ALONE. Yes, they’ll miss you when you’re gone – although you may miss them more. But they will appreciate you more when you arrive back home and you will appreciate each other more as a couple as well.
7. When your significant other tells you that you are probably moving to Louisiana because he has a good job offer there, go ahead and cry it out, it’s okay. But then remember that wherever you are with him is HOME.
8. When he says he’ll fold the towels, let him, even if he folds them WRONG (and you have to go back and re-do them…)
9. There will be fights and issues about money because that’s just the way the world works but DON’T let it get between the two of you because that’s just STUPID.
10. When you marry someone named Tim that turns out to be the love of your life (of course you already knew that because that’s why you married him in the first place!), you are lucky, LUCKY, LUCKY!!!
I always say that I felt something between Tim and I from our very first meeting.
Ten years ago, during one of the VERY best days of my life, I told him that I would be his forever and he did the same for me.
We were surrounded by our family and friends and we had a great party afterward and a wonderful honeymoon to follow. The memories are with me always. But what really mattered the most is that at the end of the day I was married to him, the man I always wanted and needed in my life. My Tim.
Happy 10th Anniversary my Love. You are my heart and soul.
And by the way, this song makes me think of you and OUR love every time I hear it…
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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