Categories: LifeMisc.Motherhood

Dear Sleep, Why do you Elude Me?

I haven’t been feeling that well since we returned from our weekend jaunt and I think it may just be allergies (Ragweed can go to h.e.l.l.) but whatever it is is putting me in a foul mood.

And when I’m in a foul mood AND not feeling well, I’d rather just sleep and by sleep I mean lay in bed and breathe out of whichever nostril is currently working, or my mouth as a last resort, sleep or no sleep, don’t bug me.

Unless I’m catching up on blogs.

Which I was, last night.

But then it was nearing 11 p.m. and my brain said, “Elaine, you’d probably better think about going to bed since you are not feeling that well and you’re really tired you just don’t know it and you’ve read and commented on quite a few blogs, so you are good.”

And I said, “Okay.”

So I shut my laptop, turned off lights and grabbed the hand of my husband who was snoring on the couch.

We brushed our teeth and hit the sack. And in typical male fashion, within 3.256 seconds he was snoring again.

I had taken some cold/allergy medicine so I was probably as comfortable as possible considering my current congested and scratchy-throated situation. So, I began to drift off.

The first thing to wake me up was the crying baby. At around 11:30. Thankfully she settled herself within a few minutes and I did not have to go comfort her.

I drifted back off until the neighbor’s across the street home alarm went off. LOUDLY.

These are the neighbors that are out of town for this entire month. I’m currently “house plant sitting” for them while they are strolling the Champs Elysee and eating copious amounts of croissants. Yes, I am jealous. Don’t ask. FOR A MONTH!!! Must be the life…

Anyway, as I stumbled to the kitchen to see if any lights were going off with their alarm I noticed that my husband had NOT put the trash bins by the curb. And I said a few choice words under my breath that the “stupid” alarm (not husband. ahem) better stop soon or it was going to wake all of my children (boys room is in front of house), I put on my “faux” crocs and headed outside.

Alarm even louder now. And TOTALLY messing with my REM sleep. Whatever.

As I was putting the cans down the LONGEST DRIVEWAY EVER the alarm stopped and I went back inside and tucked myself in for the third time.

That was until 4:30 when I heard, “I gotta go potty…”

I may call the hotel in NOLA and see if they have a room open tonight.

Or just one here in town will do…

p.s. while I was sleeping for those 4 hours or so I dreamed of a palm reader who told me I wasn’t getting enough sleep as she read my palm. Gee, imagine that. She’s Goooood… ugh.



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