Day Trippin’ Through BloggyLand

Okay people, I have a lot of business to cover here in a short time so grab your coffee, tea, wine, whatever and get comfortable. I don’t want you to miss anything. We got places to go and people to see. K?

First off, I would like to thank Chelle over at Creative Momma for this fantastico award! Chelle’s blog is super cute and she happens to have one of the cutest little girls in the blogosphere to go with it! So go visit her and give some comment love.

This is the Proximade Award. To translate from Portuguese to English, it means: “This blog invests and believes, the proximity.” Meaning, that blogging makes us ‘close’- being close through proxy. How awesome is that??

“They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize, and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut, or that they propagate?”

Then let’s try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.

Here are my 8:
It was hard to pick only 8 but somehow I managed…
Moving along.
‘Tis the Season for giveaways. If you haven’t seen them already then well, you should. Here are a few big ones going on now.
Christine at From Dates to Diapers is hosting a bunch of great giveaways in conjunction with the Christmas gift guide she’s compiled. Click on over and join in the fun!

Also, 5 Minutes for Mom is doing that thing they do so well and hosting giveaways all month long for their Christmas Giveaway 2008! You must check it out.

Did y’all think I was done? Well, I am not. Keep up, okay? Remember, I am a runner now (using that term loosely…) and things are fast-paced around here!
There’s also a tea party going on over at Angie’s place, Seven Clown Circus, and it includes more chances to win free stuff. Can you tell I like that? She’s the lovely lady that hosts WordFUL Wednesday and I am SO grateful to her for that alone. Anyway, Go check out the party that lasts all week!

Ok, I think I am done for now (with this post anyway… stay tuned for more goody alerts this week!) Kiss Kiss my friends!

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