Monday morning I woke up much earlier than usual to go to the gym before the kids were up and before Tim had to leave for work. This is not something I do often but with the kids all out of school I figured it’s a good plan some days.
As usual, K was in our bed and she saw me putting on my workout clothes and fussed until Tim tuned into Dora on the t.v. in our room.
I let go of some stress while there and noticed the early morning gym crowd is much different than the usual 9 to 10 peeps I’m used to seeing.
When I got back Ben asked if we could go to the zoo and I figured why not? It was hot but the little local zoo here is pretty shaded and well, the gift shop has A/C.
We had a nice although sweaty little jaunt through, even going the opposite of our usual route, which was actually fun.
We didn’t get to ride the train while there {which the kids LOVE!!) so I told them we could get a treat on the way home and so off we went in pursuit of a dip cone. But it was not meant to be. The Dairy Queen that Google told me was there was no longer and even McDonald’s (who now has dipped cones) said their ice cream was TOO soft to make them.
So, we opted for milkshakes.
And not 5 seconds after G had his in his clumsy little hands he spilled it ALL OVER his seat and the van floor. Luckily I recently accidentally kept 2 gym towels (including the one from that morning) that were still in the van so I wiped most of it up with those.
I asked Ben to be nice and share a little of his shake with Gavin and while he was passing his – MILKSHAKE droppage deja vu. And yes, ALL OVER the van floor again. I was out of towels. And baby wipes.
And, y’all, OBVIOUSLY God was telling us that milkshakes are bad for us and that we are not to drink them.
I get it.
I blame Google and McDonald’s. Oh and the van floor which apparently is a vanilla milkshake magnet.
Duly noted.
P.S. The zoo was fun. And yes, I was pretty much behind them, trying to keep up the entire time…
P.P.S. These serve as the pictures of my three that I usually post every month, a day early. See I’m supposed to do “three on the 3rd” but I’m usually late. This month I was a day early to take them. Hence the name of this post..
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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