Categories: BabyFamilyThe B Man

“The Cutest Baby in the World!”

My title for today’s blog entry stems from the fact that Tim’s Mom always says that the lastest baby in the family is the cutest baby ever! And of course, that is how I feel about Gavin right now. I am so in love with him and he’s just been such a good baby so far that I could go on and on. Yes, it’s a little different nursing since it’s quite time consuming, but I think it has really bonded us and I am oh so pleased that it is working out.

We had a doctor appointment for both boys yesterday and it was a little stressful for me and Ben, since he had to have one vaccination and he was NOT happy about it. He did know that there was a green lollipop at the end of his appointment so that helped things out a little bit. He likes to say of the shot that “the nurse got me!” All in all they both did fine and although Gavin has lost some weight, that is to be expected and we go back in 3 weeks to check his progress.

My Mom has been here since the day Gavin was born and my Dad came back up from Austin today to take her home tomorrow. She is such a wonderful help while she is here. Meals are cooked and served, the laundry is done. Heck, the place was all vacuumned when I got home from the hospital. Anyway, we will miss her but realize she has to get back to her life and we have to make it on our own, right? After Tim goes back to work on Tuesday, I will really be on my own! Here is Grandma with her 10th grandchild and 5th grandson…

And here is the cute BABY picture of the day:

I have to mention that Ben loves to kiss Gavin on the head and when he gets home from “school” he ususally wants to see him and kiss him. It is very sweet. So… here’s the CUTEST picture of the day!!

So, at 9 days old, Gavin and the rest of the family are doing well. Thank you to everyone who has sent well wishes and gifts and for all the prayers, etc. I will leave you with this lovely picture of the flowers sent to the house by Tim’s Dad and his wife Diane.


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