Categories: FamilyKidsOutings

Counting Heads…

My cousin Misty came down to visit (from Canada!) and she has 4 kids, so with my two that makes 6. That seems like a lot of kids to me, although I know it’s not THAT many. While we were out I felt like I constantly had to count heads, thus the name of this post.
I love Misty. I am sandwhiched age-wise between her and her younger sister Amanda and these girls are like the sisters I never had. We don’t keep up with each other as much as we should sometimes, but when we get together it’s like we were never apart.
So Misty, Amanda and their little brother (although he’s not so little anymore), Justin, came with the kids on Thursday and then yesterday we all went to the Dallas Aquarium.
Here are Misty’s kids:
Holden – 7

Hobbes – 6 (Today is his BIRTHDAY!)

Hollis – 3 (almost 4)

Houston – 20 months

These 2 were pretty much inseperable:

Here I am with my sisins (also known as cousins you regard as sisters):

And here are all the kiddos together:

We had a great time together and of course their visit was way too short but I am so glad we had the time to spend with each other that we did. I just hope it won’t be so long until we see each other again…


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