We no longer use diapers at our house (baby wipes are still around though, they wipe up lots of things). We do however use a fair amount of toilet paper. And paper towels. And we drink a lot of Perrier. Okay, that’s mostly me. What I am saying is, shopping in bulk is a good thing when you have kids (and babies) around.
I brought up diapers because we used to buy them at Costo. IN BULK. And then we moved to Louisiana and there was NO Costco. (insert SUPER SAD FACE).
We made do. I won’t tell you how, but we did. For months I mourned the Kirkland brand of several products and we even made trips BACK to Costco while visiting family and friends in Texas, after the move.
I think I squealed back in December when I got an email from the social media manager for Costo, asking if I would be interested in working with them on the new store opening here. Um…. YES PLEASE! Part of the reason I emoted so much was because that meant it really, REALLY was true that they were opening here!
See, I had heard that a warehouse was going to be built here before she contacted me, and since I was once a very loyal customer, I knew I would be again. Being a part of the blogging and social media world comes with it’s perks and this is certainly one of them. I even had the opportunity to attend the VIP opening party. Talk about a chance to “sample” things – there was SO much food! And the store is so large and beautiful and clean!
I also want to tell you about five of my favorite products from Costco…
Notice how most of these you consume? Yeah… well…
And here are some of the wonderful products Costco sent me to remind me how awesome their warehouse is:
I am not going to lie, those dark chocolate covered mangoes are addictive!
And HEY, local friends, I have a giveaway for a basket of “goodies” from Costco that you will be able to pick up at the new warehouse!! How fab is that?!
Enter below!
Let me know in the comments what your favorite thing about (or product from) Costco is!
I was walking around our backyard tonight at dusk. I looked back at the house…
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention. I regret it now. Hindsight and all that. …
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