I have so much swirling around in my head. I am not sure why. It’s almost like I have all these unfinished thoughts, where I start one and another one cuts it off before it’s even done. And… we are getting low on the Trader Joe’s “oreos” that are so much better than the other ones that are actually called Oreos (oh yeah they are!) And that people, is just TRAGIC.
See. Random thoughts abound.
Time for a list you ask? Ok, you probably didn’t but it’s my blog so Ha! (can y’all tell I’ve spent too much time around toddlers lately?)
* Here are a couple of things I wrote down that The B Man said recently.
(overheard him saying this to Anna in the car one day) “Superman is good. He saves people and gets cats out of trees.” And of course she responded, “I know!”
“Mommy, do you know what Jesus would say to the ghosts? He would tell them to be nice.” Good to know.
* Our 9th wedding anniversary is this Thursday. Can someone please tell me where exactly did NINE whole years go? Dang.
* IKEA wine glasses that are like $2.99 each have become “disposable” around here. I break one a week. At least. And usually just while washing them. Let me know if you have a good recommendation for inexpensive but less breakable wine glasses (my supply is frighteningly low).
* THANK GOD election day is today. I can’t take it anymore.
* My friend AFF is doing something really cool this month and giving her ad revenue to those in need. The hungry. Go check it out and click away at her place. Please.
* Now that Halloween is over it’s time to move on to Thanksgiving. I for one cannot wait for pie. With REAL whipped cream. Yummmmm….
* The running is going well. I will do my last run of week 3 tomorrow and then things get harder. We’ll see how it goes. But I feel pretty determined. Words of encouragment always appreciated. : )
* I would really like to get a jump on my Christmas shopping this year. I’ve already bought the boys’ big gift but that’s it so far. (P.S. I say this EVERY year to myself and have yet to do it…I think I actually enjoy the hustle and bustle…)
* Little G is Mr. Clutzy McClutzster lately. He hurt his nose by falling in our den the day before I left on the girls trip. Last week he busted his lip on an ottoman and then today the nose again while horsing around with Anna. Please don’t call CPS. I promise it’s just his father’s “clutzy” gene coming through. K?
* Can someone please invent a laundry robot? Pretty Please?!?! I could really use one of those.
* I am SO behind on archiving my photos, printing my photos, scrapbooking my photos. I think the digital age may be my downfall. Who knew?
There. I feel somewhat better now. At least until tomorrow when more thoughts come……………………..
Good luck with your running! I think I need to get on the horse with you… I’ll let you know how that goes!
And I would pay big money for a Laundry Bot. LOTS.
oh, James has his father’s grace too. right now he has a busted lip and two black eyes from two separate accidents! agh. these boys.
great job on the running!!!
Whole Foods has pretty good “Os”.
I get first dibs on the laundry robot
Yay for the running!
Great minds, Girl, great minds–I have this kind of post today too!
Please let me know if your research reveals any new laundry robot technology. My personal searches have come up short, but perhaps you will come upon something that could change our laundry lives….
I am having a clear as mud day! Stick with the running, use it as your time and in no time you will see great results! I am proud of you !
Izzy is super clumsy, too!
Laundry robot? Yes, please!
Good job with the running.
And, photos…haven’t printed mine since December 2007! Yikes.
Walmart has sets of 4 for under 5 dollars. I bought a bunch and they are great. Glass but i swear indestructable! I cannot tell you have many times the have been dropped and in 2 yrs i have only broke 1 of the 8 i have!
I am so impressed you are still running. I walked once. I suck i know.
I love your list! Sometimes all it takes is a list and you feel better
I love my Pier 1 wineglasses. I have yet to break one! (They survived moving to Turkey and moving back to the States!)
Awesome job with your running!! I’ve been walking with Bella. I really want to start running!
Yum. Pie. Yum.
Congrats on keeping at the exercise. And, I totally appreciate the shout out. Do you want the button?
I have a vacuuming robot, and I’d certainly buy a laundry robot! Heck, I’d buy 3 of them
Love the list. Sometimes I think of doing the same thing. I just don’t have a subject that’s post worthy, but I have so many ideas and thoughts in my head.
I love the overheard conversation in the car! When I was in Indiana visiting Beth, I pulled my Blackberry and an typed out some of the silly things I overheard in the crowded minivan. I might just have to pull it out and post them!!
Happy election day
Run Lainey, RUN!
Oooh pie! I can’t wait.
Ad revenue! What’s that?
Oh and I almost forgot! I may or may not indirectly refer to you as a jerk in this afternoons post, but I’m totally kidding. You know I’ve got nothing but love for you.
That last one, about being way behind with photes? Oh yeah. I haven’t printed since the beginning of the year! And you know I’m waaaaay behind on scrapping – like over three years. Which would be my daughter’s entire life.
If I told you how behind I was on my photo archiving you would seriously die of shock. I am years behind. No lie.
My laundry robot is my husband. Unfortunately, not all the kinks are worked out yet and he breaks down a lot. Waiting for Laundry Husband 2.0…..
If you invent a laundry robot, I will totally buy it.
Happy Anniversary! and great job on the running!
I am behind on everything too and my mind is a whirlwind that keeps me up at night.
I am now uploading all my photos to HM and scrapping them using the templates because I never find enough time to finish anything!
If they come up with a laundry robot, then the same they also need to come up with a folding laundry robot. I don’t mind putting clothes in the wash, but the folding kills me.
I am behind on the scrapbooking as well but that’s b/c I have 4 albums going on at once.
When are we going to plan that meet-up?!
im excited for thanksgiving too!! and i am wanting to get my xmas shopping done this month…yet i say that every year and i always end up running around at the last minute!!
Aren’t the TJ Ohs amazing? I love them so much more than the originals. In fact, we’re out, and you just reminded me that I need to get some more.
Congrats on almost 9 years!
There was way to much stress to deal with in the election….I’m just glad it’s over!
Good for you on the running! And as for the shopping? I admit I LOVE shopping for Christmas (though only for my son). There are so many cool toys out there and I’m obsessed with them. I want them so I can play with them!
PS – I love that you’re already thinking about THanksgiving food. I am, too!
I COMPLETELY agree with you about the scrapbooking/digital age!! UGH!