Clean faces are SO overrated

Sometimes I get lazy with my mothering.  You know, I don’t always change a diaper the very MINUTE I smell the stink.

I don’t wipe the highchair off after every third meal.

Sometimes I get yet ANOTHER sippy cup out of the cupboard after I know 3 or 4 have already been used that day.

And even more often? I don’t always wipe my kids faces.

As is evident.


What can I say, they know how to enjoy their food.  (no idea who they got that from, btw…)

Oh and sometimes I let the 19-month old continue to use her paci almost all the time if she wants it especially while teething.

Yes, I’m guilty.  Of enjoying the quiet.

You know, on the rare occasion that it IS quiet. 🙂

Linking up at Wordful Wednesday too…


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