The lovely and talented (oh and funny too!) Boo Mama is hosting the Christmas Tour of homes once again this holiday season and I am excited to be part of the fun for the second year in a row!
Is that you knocking on the door? Well come on in. It might be cold out there (this is Texas so you just never really know, it could also be 70 degrees!)
Pay no attention to the collection of ornaments down under the tree there… That would be the handy work of a certain 19-month old (yes, TODAY Little G is 19 months old!) that lives here. Sure, you can help me put them back but then there will just be new ones there in a few minutes, so it’s okay!
Moving along… Here is one of my favorite ornaments that I have had for several years now. I believe my mother gave it to me (isn’t it sad that I can’t remember for sure, but I am pretty sure? Yeesh!)
And here is my favorite ornament that is new to my collection this year.
I found this one while my husband Tim and I were on a little “Mommy & Daddy only trip” to small town Texas, USA last weekend. Isn’t it pretty?
While we’re in the kitchen I will show you another couple of trinkets that I acquired on our little trip (Fredricksburg, TX is known for it’s great “gifty” shopping!) that are sitting on my window sill.
I found the darling “Believe” sign in the same shop as the bird ornament (where all things Christmas were 50% off!) and I came across the cute wooden Santa on the right at a thrift store for a whopping $2! The other Santa on the left is an old favorite and the pine cone was made by Little G at pre-school. I don’t think you can tell very well but it has “snow” and glitter on it!
The one second from the left is very special since I bought him while on our honeymoon in Deer Valley, Utah.
I just adore all the pretty fabrics that went into it and of course you know it is handmade which makes it even more wonderful in my eyes!

Wow, I love it all, thanks for having us in your beautiful home. This is just too much fun.
I’m LOVING the headless wisemen. And I’m originally from Texas, so howdy! Come visit me at my house (blog)!
My sweet Grandmother had a Santa collection too! Yours brought back wonderful memories of staring at them for hours as a child. Thanks for having me over!
I love your Santas…I collect a few myself.
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
Oh goodness, will any of our nativity sets survive our children?
Your home is beautiful. I LOVED my first stop by!
Merry Christmas!
I love your little bird! So pretty. Merry Christmas.
Everything looks so beautiful! I love the bird ornament and the $5 tree! Thanks for sharing your home with us! Merry Christmas!
Your Christmas tree is just gorgeous!!! And I love the Three Wise Men ornament!
Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the tour, and lovely to “meet” you.
We have a very toddler proof wooden nativity – no-one is headless (yet!).
Stunning tree and little tree, but I love the quilted tree the best!
Hope you get a chance to visit my Northern Ireland blog.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I love the three wisemen ornament. I’m from Texas – just currently misplaced with a military husband. But someday we will be back!
I love the picture of your family – – – so celebrational!
Love the quilted tree and all the santas. You have a beautiful home and a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing!
Love that quilted tree! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before. You have a wonderful collection of santas. Thanks for the tour!
Merry Christmas.
The house looks beautiful.
Thanks for keeping it real with the 19-month-old! I love your idea of using a small, real tree for the scent of it. Great!
Thanks for inviting me into your home and showing off all your Christmas finery. I love the Salvation Army tree.
Lovely home. Beautiful family. I love the quilted tree too–kind of sad something like that ends up in a thift store–but good for you. Have a merry Christmas and God bless you!
Beautiful tree! I love the ornaments you featured! And I LOVE the wisemen! Too funny!!
What a beautiful home! Our nativity isn’t holding up so well, this year, either. Gabriel lost his head. It was a sad day. hahaha.
I love the photo Christina took of you all!
I love the ornament shots – so pretty! And thanks for the smile over the marshmellow comment:). Merry Christmas!
Thanks for a lovely tour! I will have to try that recipe. It sounds yummy!
Lovely tree! I think your Salvation Army tree is adorable!
Thank you for tour–it’s all beautiful!
Your house and TREE are so very beautiful.
And guess what?
We will be joining you for Christmas. Why you ask? Well, our tree saw the picture of your tree and has now entered a facility for the treatment of severely low self esteem. After all the giggles it has recieved, the picture of your beautful tree has sent our little tree over the edge.
If that is an artifical tree, I am sold. Where do I get one of those!
Thanks for letting us tour! I always love to find another Texas blogger!
Everything is beautiful- I love those quilted trees too!
what a cute family! and I love the ornaments at the bottom of the tree!
You have an absolutly gorgious family! Your house is lovely too of course. My favorite it that quilted tree because I remember having one growing up but I have not seen it in many years. I’ll have to call my Mom today and ask if she still has it…if she does I forbid her to get rid of it for I hereby claim it as MINE! Well if she decides I can have it
Merry Christmas!
What a lovely home! And the family portrait at the end was the perfect finishing touch. For those of us first-time visitors, it’s fun to see who we’re visiting
Everything looks soooo festive. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!
Thank you so much for the hospitality. Your home is beautiful and I love that it is REAL, headless wisemen and all! LOL!
Blessings to you and your gorgeous family,
Very nice tree!!!
Everything looks great! Our nativity looks very similar to yours… We have a few headless shepards!
Thanks for letting us in!
Our baby Jesus and the angel have suffered similar fates of your wise men. Yay for super glue! Thanks for having me over. You have a lovely home.
OK, I started laughing when I saw the fate of your Three Wisemen. For us, it’s been Mary who has taken a fall. She’s chipped but not completely broken!
thanks for the tour friend – everything looks beautiful
not that i would expect anything less!
Poor headless wisemen!
It is COLD here, so send some hot chocolate my way!
Hey Elaine- Your tree is SO pretty! I guess that design degree really did pay off. Happy Holidays! -JenBorth
Your Santa collection is wonderful, I love it! Your tree is beautiful and thanks for the hot chocolate, I love me some marshmallows
Your picture is gorgeous, what a fantastic family!
Your home is so pretty and festive – thanks so much for sharing it!
A blessed Christmas to you and your family!
My favorite photo is the headless wisemen.
You will cherish that one in years to come.
Beautiful home!
Merry Christmas!
Beautiful everything! Your tree is so pretty. What’s the status on a bloggy get-together in the new year?
beautiful! love the christmas card!!!
Oh my goodness, I love it!
Love the 2 broken heads…hahha!
Your tree is beautiful!
The picture at the end is gorgeous!
Lovely home. =) The real-ness of the Nativity cracked me up. =)
I love thrift store shopping too!!
Your ginormous tree is gorgeous. I’m just not sure I want to give up real trees, I just LOVE the smell. Although the Yankee Candle Christmas Wreath candle smells pretty close.
lovely – gorgeous!
Wow! I Love all the decorations! Christmas time is so beautiful isn’t it!? Adorable Christmas card picture, too! You’re family is adorable! Merry Christmas
Hi to a fellow Texan – I was saddened (just kidding here folks) for the evident mass execution of wisemen – that Herod is still causing trouble isn’t he? all of us have “oops” decorations (mine just got edited out of the pictures) and your home is beautiful and you have the right priority – enjoy your family! Merry Christmas
Thanks for having us in. I have a Santa collection too. I Love yours. Merry Christmas.
From yet another Texan in the DFW area…it’s beautiful! How ’bout this weather today???
Awww, what a cute family you are. Thanks for the tour.
so pretty! what a great picture of your tree (my lit up pictures never look that good!!) thanks for having us!
Thanks so much for inviting us into your home…love the tree and the little ornament pile underneath! Oh, and the headless wisemen are too cute! Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful tour! Your home looks lovely and festive. I can’t get over how beautiful your tree is, and I think it’s super cute that you have a pile of ornaments at the bottom!
Merry Christmas!
The family Christmas photo is just gorgeous as well – you have a beautiful family
everything is perfect even the ornaments under the tree. it wouldnt be christmas without little ones around
Lovely pictures and cute decorations! Nice to see someone from North Texas! Be Blessed!
What a gorgeous tree (and family by the way!), but between you and me… you had me at the mug of hot cocoa!
So many people in your home, I’m getting claustrophobic… now how are the Wise Men supposed to be wise without their heads?
I had a lovely time, thanks for having me.
Thanks for the wonderful tour, your home & decorations are beautiful & I especially loved your chat along the way. Now I need to check out some other homes!
Everything is so lovely! I especially love the bird ornament and the Believe sign from the same store…and wish that I lived much, much closer to Texas so I could get my own
Beautiful stuff, Elaine! I love the tree so much, the decorations are adorable. The family shot of you guys at the end is just amazing. FANTASTIC tour . . . now I need more hot chocolate
Thanks for the lovely tour! And your tree is beautiful–mine has no lights and is nailed with wire to the wall–5 kitties love to eat lights and climb the tree!
Thanks for the tour! Everything is so lovely, and your tree is wonderful. Is it bad of me to admit that the headless wisemen are my favourite though? Enjoy this wonderful stage of life. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for sharing your Christmas home! I really like your new ornament, to. Merry Christmas!
Wowsers. You got lots of comments today! Rock it, girlie. I’m so glad you enjoyed your getaway and FYI I got the See’s gc. Thanks a million. Are you getting this insane weather?
Your home is so pretty! Your poor wisemen, my kids used to do that too! I am going to try your cheeseball recipe, it sounds so good!
Merry Christmas
your house looks so good! I love the quilted tree
I’m impressed! The Vanilla House looks NOTHING LIKE THAT.
Beautifully decorated.
I have to agree with the Texas temperatures. Yesterday in the 70s and today we are freezing of our noses.
My toddler can’t keep her hands off the nativity either! Lovely tree!
Thanks for sharing! I too have some ‘repaired’ shepherds & wisemen!
Okay, heads are rollin’ at your house! I laughed out loud. Seriously. And there’s no one here to hear me.
I don’t feel so bad about my navitiy scene now. I found baby Jesus under the ottoman and his manger is MIA thanks to Mia.
I’m sure the Roomba will find it tomorrow!
Thanks for the hot chocolate with colored marshmallows and the tour! I enjoyed it. I think I’ll have to add my home to the tour tomorrow!
Your tree is AMAZING!!!
I love that quilted tree!!!!! It reminds me of something my Grammie would have had in her house. Merry Christmas!
so pretty! love the Christmas card too!
Thanks for inviting me in, I enjoyed my visit. Your Christmas touches are sweet! And I’ll take EXTRA Marshmellows in my Hot Cocoa!!
Christmas charm in every corner! It all looks so inviting and warm, and I love the Little G touches, too. :o) Thanks for the linky, too!
Love it all…those Fredericksburg finds look awesome!
What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing.
Love your nativity scene – or lack thereof! Thanks for sharing your lovely home, your little boys are adorable. Merry Christmas
Just Beautiful!
I really like the ornament with the wise men too!
and I have a 2 1/2 year old grandbaby who helps me decorate/undecorate a lot too! Precious!
Fun Visiting with you!
Sweet Blessings and
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for sharing your lovely holiday decor with us. Your tree is just so pretty and the ornaments on the ground are too funny…my son did that when he was smaller too. Happy Holidays!
Loved your tour! My dh and I lived in Ft. Worth before moving here, so I felt right at home!
Merry Christmas!
I loved the quilted tree.
What a lovely home you have. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the tour – everything looked great! That’s a wonderful family photo!
Love the headless wisemen! The second-hand fabric tree is adorable. I enjoyed my tour. Merry Christmas!
Love your decorations – thank you for sharing….Paula in Idaho
The cheese ball sounds very yummy! I like your new little bird ornament, it is very cute. Thanks for the very fun tour.
Hi Elaine! Your tree is so full and beautiful!! I love it.
Oh and what a funny display of the wisemen without their heads :0)
I really like that wisemen ornament. Thanks for your visit to my tour and have a very Merry Christmas!!
Thanks for the beautiful tour! Merry Christmas!
Stopping by from Boomama’s site.