Christmas Day… not so much.

Our Christmas was good until early Christmas Day morning. I have been debating in my head whether or not to mention that tid bit here on the blog. But the fact of the matter is, this is a record of our life and well, this one will definitely go down in the record books.

I am sure many of you are curious as to what I am referring to (I know I would be!) but I have to say at this point, it’s just too personal to go into. Please know that my immediate family (Tim and the boys) are not directly involved, only an older brother of mine and his family. And I ask that you pray for them and my parents, since they are local and their main support system through this time of difficulty. Perhaps as things work themselves out I will be able to give you more details but for now, please just keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.
I hope to continue to be my usual upbeat self but if I “sound” a little different on here for a while, just know that I am may be a tad “off” but will be fine…
So…….. let’s move on, shall we?

On Christmas Eve morning I had the wonderful pleasure (is that redundant?) to meet Lisa, of Growing Up Mo, and her three kiddos at her house. She lives just 10 minutes from my parents. Now that is what I call convenient!

Upon entering her home I felt like we’d already known each other for years and the kids immediately started playing and having fun. We got to visit for a little over an hour and get to know each other better. She has a delightful family, home and such a welcoming smile. We hope to get together again in the Spring. Here are a couple of pictures from our meeting (she even let me hold her sweet baby boy and get my “baby fix!”).

In the afternoon while Little G napped away, The B Man and I made gingerbread cookies in my Mom’s kitchen. We found the recipe in one of her “old” cookbooks from church or something and it was the best gingerbread recipe I’ve ever tasted. Plus it was easy to roll out, which counts for a lot in my book. The B Man insisted that when we made gingerbread men, we have mini M & M’s for the “buttons” and Daddy came through by bringing us some that he picked up on his Cmas Eve errands. I just love how that man supports our baking habit! ; )

Of course when someone woke up he had to have a taste as well.

After we baked our cookies we began to prepare for our Christmas Eve celebration, in which ALL 20 of my family members were present and accounted for as well as a BFF and boyfriend of my niece. We had a lovely meal and gift exchange. Thank God for this night. It will stay in my memory for a long time…

My nephew (and Godson) Daniel (2) in his Christmas “duds.” Gosh he’s cute, idn’t he?
The B Man and his cousins Catherine, Daniel & Grace (G was NOT into taking pictures at this time and I am saving the picture that he is in for my WW post… it’s certainly good for a laugh or two…)
A “self picture” of me and my niece (and Goddaughter) Megan who is now 17, has a boyfriend and drives. And now, she is mortified. But I don’t care. I love you Megan! : )

Okay, so I have a “thing” for my God children. Big deal.

It was warm enough to be outside so the kids ran around for a little while before we opened presents. Little G was quite taken with this illuminated snowman.

Of course the kids couldn’t wait forever so we had to get after it and open ALL this loot. Yeah, it’s a lot a loot. Remember 20 people…

Here’s The B Man diggin’ in to one of his gifts…

And it didn’t take long for Little G to get the hang ot if either…

My husband and his new favorite shirt (given to him by my Mother…)

Oh and here is my SIL Kelley with her VERY unfortunate while elephant gift. He makes fart noises under his arm pits… I get enough of that at home, thankyouverymuch!

After gifts we took a picture of everyone together…

Here is a pic of me and my three guys. Loves of my life, my Christmas angels…

And late at night the tree shone bright…

I hope you and your families had wonderful Christmas celebrations. I’ve already seen that many of you have and hope to get around and see more Christmas joy, love and peace. It is STILL Christmas after all…


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