I think I’ve watched a bit too many Downton Abbey episodes lately, what do y’all think? (I’m almost caught up, 2 more episodes to go… I hear that last one is a zinger…)
The little kids had a pre-lunch appetizer of milk and Cheerios the other day and I grabbed my camera because they had matching bowls and spoons and they were all coordinated with their jammies…. that you know… they were still wearing. Plus the lighting was good and well, they are cute.
While I was editing these photos I got a message in my inbox that the new PicMonkey site was ready to go so I thought I would give it a spin. (thanks for the twitter heads-up on this new site, Galit!)
I usually edit my photos in Adobe Lightroom but sometimes I like a quicker, easier way to do it and with Picnik going away I was getting a little nervous. Enter PicMonkey which is VERY similar to Picnik and extremely user friendly.
Here’s a little comparison for you…
The first photo was edited in lightroom and the second one was edited with PicMonkey. I admit I did “tint” her eyes with a more blue color in the PicMonkey picture. Other than the color being a little more blue tinged in the second one, I think they turned out pretty similar overall.
What do y’all think?

Though I don’t do much with photos on my site, I did really like picnik.
Hadn’t heard of PicMonkey…UNTIL NOW!
Thank you, thank you!
That first pic is priceless! Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up.
all I see is great pictures of beautiful kids!!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
I am waiting for a few spare minutes to try PicMonkey. I am not a “photographer,” so Picnik is all I use, and I’ll be sad to see it go.
woohoo! I’ve been so out of touch because of moving that I didn’t realize that PicMonkey was online. yea!
Take that Picnik
Oh, and you can also try iPiccy. It’s a TOTAL Picnik knock-off. I swear it was created by disgruntled Picnik employees. LOL
LOVE the pics of your cuties using their IKEA bowls (we have them too). The matching with their PJs is a nice touch
And, oops, I hit publish too quickly. Your kids are adorable eating in their jammies!
You take amazing pictures, Elaine!!
(and Downton Abbey is awesomesauce!)
Also, love PicMonkey.
Such cute picture of your kids! I’m glad to hear about picmonkey. I don’t use piknic, but Susan does so she’ll be glad to know there’s an alternative. I keep hearing about downtown abbey. I guess I need to check it out!
They are absolutely ADORABLE! I really must jump on the Downton Alley bandwagon – I keep hearing how great it is!
Signs of Spring At Last
I think I’m going to check out PicMonkey. Thank goodness someone else came out with something.
And I love that photo of her either way it is edited.
Wow! They look great!
I have Lightroom and never use it because I have no clue what I’m doing with it! I’ve used PhotoShop for year and love it. I’ve heard that you need to shoot in RAW to get good edits in Lightroom.
How do you do it?
Ha! I noticed the more blue and smiled b/c I just assumed you’d gotten more sun or a different light. I’ll have to look at PicMonkey; I never used Piknik.
Omgosh you tint eyes … i am happy if i get something in focus
I am SO happy with PicMonkey! I love that it came along.
I love your pictures! I’ve got to try out PicMonkey… :_
Great pics. Love Downton Abbey. My daughter and I have been on a huge kick of British shows. Try “Larkrise to Candleford,” too.
I haven’t watched Downton Abbey at all yet, but man, I hear good things!
PicMonkey is great, but I just wish it was hooked up to Flickr like Picnik is!
YAY, you! U love the photo comparison – how clever! And yes, pic monkey looks great!!
(Thanks for the shout out, sweet you.)
Also? I haven’t watched Downtown Abbey yet…Should I be ducking for cover? Like, now?!
I think they are super cute. I have got my basic quick edits down in PhotoShop now so it only takes me a couple minutes per picture if I am not trying to get fancy. I will miss picnik and their collage function though!