The other day I bought an awesome new sports bra for running.
So, why do you care? well, I’m sharing this for a few reasons:
1) This is exciting stuff these days with as much running as I’m doing (getting ready for another 10K in Baton Rouge on 2/5).
2) It is the first one I have bought that REALLY keeps “the girls” in place.
3) It also keeps the Racktrap in place.
“The ‘Racktrap’“, you say??
Why yes, the Racktrap!
It’s a handy little pouch that fits right inside your bra and holds, cash, keys, credit/debit cards and even a key if you’d like. I used mine for a run around the neighborhood the other night and stuck a house key and a credit card in there. It never shifted and was comfortable the whole time. Plus, I sweated on it and nothing inside got wet!
They also make cute, lace, “going out on the town” styles as well as the water proof sport one that I tried.
And the instructions for the Racktrap come on a handy business-sized card and the first one says, “Locate your breasts”. I knew I liked this company from the start.
So, who wants a sporty Racktrap of their very own? YOU do of course!! I’ve got an extra one to send on to one lucky winner. And really, you can use this anytime, not just when exercising.
How to win? Leave a comment. Easy Peasy.
Comments close this coming Tuesday night, Jan. 18th, when I’ll pick a winner via
And if you want an extra entry, you can pass the word about this giveaway along on Twitter or FB (where many of us ladies spend time…) and let me know you did in a separate comment… As their slogan says “If you wear or bra, or know someone who does, you need a Racktrap”.
Filarious! “locate your breasts”
Tweeted! (so where do you tuck the rat trap?)
Facebook shared!
O.K. That’s pretty cool. Throw my name into the hat, please!
Look how awesome your arm looks!!!!
Im game… please enter me!! =)
I totally need a Racktrap. If for no other reason than to say that I own a Racktrap. (And your rack is pretty nice if I do say so myself…I’m not a stalker, I swear! You know and love me!)
Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Me! Me! Pick me! This is a fabulous idea and I for one am in sore need of a Racktrap!
Oh I love this. Though I’m not brave enough to handle the -10 degree (celcius) weather right now I will be outside once march hits. (that’s less than 2 months away!)
(and i’m secretly hoping to run a 1/2 marathon…but we’ll see.) 
I’ve been stashing money/ID in my bra since I was a teenager – always fretting it would show or be lost, or worse… get all sweaty. This is a fabulous idea!! I love it – would love to have one!
What kind of bra (I see the Nike logo) is it? I need a better one. Also, would love a Racktrap of my own. And girl you are doing awesome things with the running. Such an inspiration.
That is awesome! How have I not heard of those yet??? So cool.
I just love that you are enjoying running. It rocks, doesn’t it? Sooooo good. I am very close to my goal weight now. I actually need to go out and buy new running pants and shorts because my other ones are too big now. How cool is that??? Very.
I was thinking about doing a before and after shot (like you did) but I just don’t know if I have the nerve. Just because I am close to my goal weight doesn’t mean I’m looking great.
I know I am going to need this! Planning to start couch to 5k soon!!!
I have not heard of that! Very cool!
Congrats on keeping up with the running! Isn’t it great? I have actually made several 4+ mile runs in the last few weeks with snow on the ground. I must be hooked because I hate the cold. Keep it up! You are looking great!
very cool. i need me one of these.
tweeted from @smartstrongsexy
Hilarious! Gotta love those great inventions!! Monique L
I want one! This is an awesome giveaway.
I totally could use one of those for my running!I have been wearing a stupid hiking pack to carry my stuff!
Men can adjust, now I have an excuse to fondle the girls with the RackTrap! Love it!
Social Network Mania!
That is like one of the smartest ideas ever.
Oooo! I need a good sports bra. And I love the ‘locate your breasts!’ hah
I gotta say that is pretty cool! Not exactly sure why I would use it..but at least i think i can locate my breasts…maybe…..on a good day….(Laurie Lightfoot)
I totally want & need this!!
What an awesome idea! I hate feeling the stuff bumping around in the back pocket of my jacket.
Love it! Thanks for showing us your rack, too! RAWR!
“Locate your breasts” … yeah, totally not a problem for me. LOL What a great idea!
Tweet Tweet!/MelGetsFit/statuses/26115645552730113
I can locate my breasts – I win!
I totally tweeted your rack, hooker!!
Count me in, thanks!
Definitely passing this on to a friend training for a race. Great idea!
I’m the one training for a race that Kate sent this to. I LOVE it. If I don’t win I’m definitely buying one for my training runs. What a great idea! Nice to meet you – I’m Christy, and I’m an instant fan!
I love this concept! Never heard of this before. I could definitely use this with the running that I have been doing for the last 3 years.
Also, I want to know what type of bra you got that you love. Where did you get it and what is the type (maker and style)? I have been looking for one and just can’t find the “right” one.
Funny, funny! Wouldn’t mind winning at all!
Oh man, I needs one real bad. I have ruined an MP3 player by storing it in my bra while I work out. I always say to myself, “self, why don’t you invent something that will keep your sweaty bits from contaminating your non-sweaty electronics?” but someone has already done it.
what time do comments close tonight? hopefully … not before now!!! i want a racktrap!
i also need a new rack holder since my rack has gotten bigger. *ahem*
I want it! (I’ll have to find my breasts first. – actually, I know right where they are – in a doctor’s office 1700 miles away waiting for me to come get them in July!) I’ll just hold onto the racktrap until then!!
I would absolutely love to win this for my daughter for her prom coming up soon. She has a friend we’re all jealous of because she can hold things in her bra. Lol. I am not small up top but I’m fighting and losing a war with gravity so I can’t hold things in my bra either. Anyway, sorry to ramble, this would be great for Cass to have to put in her bra so she won’t have to take time out of her big prom night to keep up with a bag (that she would most likely end up losing anyway, lol). Thanks tons for the chance.
I tweeted this giveaway.!/lewalk76/status/38438672172843008
I also am now following you on GFC as lewalk just because. I saw you were running in Baton Rouge? Like in Louisiana? If so, I’m in north LA around Shreveport. Lol. It’s not often I find other people in blogs and giveaway entering that are from around here. Thanks for having me here. And for the awesome chance to win.