Some of our good friends had a super fun birthday party for their son and daughter with a “western” theme on Saturday. Ponies and all. Have you ever seen a soccer playing Cowboy? Well, now’s your chance! I mean it doesn’t get much better than that, now does it? (he had to miss part…
Range of Emotions – WW & You Capture
As I mentioned earlier in the week, my camera is out of commission for a bit. And that makes me sad. But not nearly as sad as what has recently happened in our world, specifically Japan, in the last several days. My heart is heavy yet I keep a brave face for my kiddos. It’s…
PSA – DON’T Buy These Jammies – WW
So. I do adore this one store. You know the one that starts with “T”, ends with “ET” and has a “ARG” in the middle? Yeah, that one. BUT. It hath failed me. Tim recently picked out some jammies for the boys there and faster than I could say “Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious” there was a hole in…
Sew…… {WW}
Note: before reading this post, just so you know, all things in fancy brackets are the REAL me coming out. Tim got me a sewing machine for Christmas… per my request. {WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?} I decided to start on my first project last week while people were sick, etc. {WHAT THE HELL WAS I…
WW – Typical Day, Not so Typical Night
I went to bed “uncharacteristically early” last night.. (guess the movie and you WIN! nothing but Miss Elaine-ous life kudos points)Therefore I did not post my usual WW post BEFORE I sacked out. The day was similar to many. Dropped one kiddo off at “summer” school… Took the other two to the gym day care…
WW – I Can’t Stop!
Ever since I got my new baby camera, I can’t stop taking pictures. The poor kids constantly have the camera in their face. Especially the baby girl. I’m not sure what she’s thinking in this one but I’m guessing it’s something to the effect of “Hey crazy lady could you possibly take that thing out…
WW – My Foundation Has Been Shaken
There really are no words… (…but I will say, this is what the back of my house looks like right now. They say they can finish and make it look just like it did by the end of the day tomorrow. As my mother would say, “That remains to be seen.”) I’m SO over this…
WW – Time for a Break!
This is my friend Mr. Seal letting you know I’m outta here for a while. His mouth is open – can’t you tell what he’s saying? (Or it could be a “Mrs.”, I honestly don’t know….) Anyway, we’re headed down south to enjoy some time at Sea World and various other entertainment parks. I plan…
WW & What’s the Deal With That, All in ONE!
So my pal Supermommy, who guest-posted here yesterday, has started a new carnival on Wednesdays (yeah, beccause we don’t have any of those during the middle of the week already… wink, wink!) and so I’ve decided to double up today. Here’s a picture of me from yesterday. Yes, I was wearing green so I wouldn’t…