She insisted on carving her own pumpkin. I am not one to hold a women back from her goals. (Almost) Wordless Wednesday for #NaBloPoMo
Over the bayou and through the woods to the zoo we go…
Some photos I took during our outing to the zoo last week… The photo above would be perfect with a family in the center wouldn’t it? I can’t stop looking for great places to take pictures of people since I started doing so. Just a few seconds after I took this photo this Llama…
I’m running alright…
I just sat down. After like 6 hours of GOING, going, gone. Me and the little ones had a pretty lazy morning just hanging out in our p.j.s. Finally at 1:30 I decided it would be a good time to get my bootie in gear and I did a 25 minute strength and stretch workout…
Treasure Hunting
After visiting with my friend Claudia in Texas last month and spending some time on good ole Pinterest (although it’s not that old, is it??), I was inspired to find some things to re-do and re-finish. My friend had repainted an old bread box and a paper towel holder to look SO cute and she…
A food tower, a handmade dress and a 2nd grader…
You like random right? Good, ’cause that’s what you get today. This was part of my lunch the other day Don’t you want to eat it? I want to eat it again but alas, I have no mozzarella. Phooey. If food could talk this food would say “I’m really delicious, you must eat me now!” I…
Sibling Sweetness
Sometimes I wonder what my children’s relationships with each other will be like when they are adults. I hope they all continue to love one another and are close no matter what happens in the future. I even kinda hope that they have little secrets and inside jokes that even Tim and I don’t know…
So Much to See
It’s just a picture of kids playing in a sprinkler, right? But once I really looked at this picture I saw so much more. On the bottom right, the baby boy that we worried for when he was born premature, almost 5 years ago… My ten and half year-old niece who towers over my boys…
Out Like a Light – WW
This is our friend J who passed out on Monday night at our friend’s house, in the middle of his dinner.Literally. His mother moved him shortly after this. But only after we I was were done taking pictures… I mean, DUH. This might be a direct quote from someone you all know – “Wait,…
Picture This
I really like taking photographs but I don’t think I’m THAT good at it still, mostly because I don’t know a lot of the “technical” stuff. I recently bought a lens that isn’t fully compatible with the model camera I own. Does it work, yes. Does it work to it’s full potential? Perhaps not. Tim…
Hey kids, come over here so I can take your picture!!
I’m trying to follow in the footsteps of the lovely Steph and take pics of my kids on the third of every month (she does the fourth since she has four kids, so that’s why I usually do the third, get it?). I don’t always post them here but I take them. Except for…