Last year I read close to 30 books. Some of them are not listed here because they were self-help type books and well… some things ARE still personal (believe it or not). Also, these are in NO particular order and it’s possible that I forgot a couple (clearly I need to keep better records of this in…
Tweet, Tweet
Do you still use Twitter? I do. Although I’m not completely sure why. I don’t think any of my blog traffic comes from there. I see most people using it for links to posts and lots of Instagram pictures. Which I get, I tweet post links (not just mine) ALL THE TIME as well as most of…
Dig Deep
My mother-in-law stood in the middle of our carpeted living room with the sun from the skylight on her face, across from the man I had met only an hour ago, with his clipboard. I had just come back from my bedroom, after peeing for probably the third time that hour. She had a really concerned…
Taco Night
The ground meat sizzles in the hot pan and soon it will be many small crumbles, ready for my homemade taco seasoning. I use my handy-dandy Pampered Chef tool to make it that way. It’s really the only thing I have ever bought from PC that I use. Once again I have deemed it “Taco…
Writers Gonna Write
I occasionally get compliments on my writing. I am not saying that to brag. I’m saying that because it kind of shocks me every time it happens. It literally feels like I just stuck my finger in a socket, not knowing what would happen. I think (and hope) I always remember to thank the person…
The View From Here
Many of the views I take in with motherhood are contained within my home and my minivan. I see the bottom of the top bunk while reading books to my little girl. I see the tub, full of water, bath toys and kids. I see LEGOs all over the floor. LOTS of LEGOs. One of my favorite views is…
I’m Sorry I Forgot to Read Your Blog
So, here’s the thing. I cannot always remember to read your blog posts just like you cannot always remember to read mine. I’ve never used a reader. Back in the day my sidebar, where I listed all the blogs I read, used to be my reader. Now Facebook sort of serves as my “reader”, between…
Towel-Folding, it’s an art
There is A LOT of talk about mothers and motherhood in my life right now. First, because I am one. Second because I’m a part of this “little” it’s actually a pretty big show called “Listen To Your Mother.” Third, because I have an essay published in Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee: The Crazy,…
Did Y’all Know That I am “Frumpy”?
Yeah, me neither. Turns out some stranger on the Huffington Post FB page thinks I am. I’m also supposedly a bad selfie-taker and because I do not like to impulse buy lipstick and shoes (okay the second one is kind of a lie…), I am “lame”. People also inferred that I like to sit around…
Sometimes I get so caught up in writing about things that are happening or have happened in my life, I forget that I am also just busy living this life. There is a lot happening and going on around me and with my friends and family and even my on-line life. Each new day brings…