The only two sounds I hear are the dryer as the clothes tumble around in the heat, and the air conditioner, blowing so hard, trying to combat the stifling heat outside. I look toward the window, the bright sun causing shadows on the blinds, large wood stripes across the panes to keep things out. I…
Opening the Door
I opened the door. I let you in. At first it was just barely ajar, when I saw your smile. You showed your true self to me, over and over. I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to open the door wider. I wanted to have you close. But then I closed it back a bit Too…
So Glad They Told Me Pub Day!
It is a bit hard to explain what happens when I get an acceptance email for something I have written. I mean, clearly I am happy but usually it is as if I do not really believe it at first. I have to read the email a few times before it truly sinks in. “We would like…
BlogHer ’16 – Pretty Epic
On the second day of BlogHer it was not yet time to wash my hair, since I do it every other day. The night before I relaxed in the hot tub with some really good friends and part of my ponytail dipped in the warm, bubbly water as we chatted and soaked our happy bodies. Then the security…
Writing Writer Writes
This blog will be a decade old in a few months. Hard to believe in some ways. I am by nature a reminiscer, so I like to think back on things… where they began and how they evolved. When I started writing little snippets about my life as a mother of 1.5 kids and a…
Feeling it All
I haven’t rearranged the furniture. I haven’t started making the bed. The coffee maker sits in the same place on the counter. The t.v. turns on the same way. Their clothes still hang in the closet. Their toys still litter the floor. But things are missing now. There is less laundry, fewer groceries to buy….
Redefining at Mom 2.0
“I have what I call ‘moments of great gumption’”. – Meredith Sinclair “All I have to be is me.” – Allison Slater Tate “Allow your schedule to be altered.” – Danielle Walker “For tweets – it should be something you would say to your friend.” – Kj Dell’Antonia These are not my words. They are…
In The Audience at Listen To Your Mother
Last fall I signed on to do Listen To your Mother for the third year with Jennifer. However, life got in the way and I had to let it go for this year. I was saddened by this but also needed the time to get through my own stuff. Thankfully, Jennifer and Ramona were gracious…
We sat together, waiting on the long bench in the cold corridor. One woman walked by and asked him a question that he quickly answered. I thought about how I liked her coat. It was sort of like a cape, but with sleeves. I felt comfortable there, next to him, yet truly uncomfortable for being…
The Winter of My (Dis)content
The rain pounds on the roof and the wind blows as the “front”makes it’s way through. There is no powdery white snow here. Or any snow for that matter. Winter typically presents itself via coolish temperatures and the occasional freeze. Sometimes there is rain and cold mud. Brown-ish grass mixes with green and the camellias bloom…