
A Random Saturday

The only two sounds I hear are the dryer as the clothes tumble around in the heat, and the air…

9 years ago

Opening the Door

I opened the door. I let you in. At first it was just barely ajar, when I saw your smile.…

9 years ago

So Glad They Told Me Pub Day!

It is a bit hard to explain what happens when I get an acceptance email for something I have written. I…

9 years ago

BlogHer ’16 – Pretty Epic

On the second day of BlogHer it was not yet time to wash my hair, since I do it every other…

9 years ago

Writing Writer Writes

This blog will be a decade old in a few months. Hard to believe in some ways. I am by…

9 years ago

Feeling it All

I haven't rearranged the furniture. I haven't started making the bed. The coffee maker sits in the same place on…

9 years ago

Redefining at Mom 2.0

"I have what I call 'moments of great gumption'". - Meredith Sinclair "All I have to be is me." -…

9 years ago

In The Audience at Listen To Your Mother

Last fall I signed on to do Listen To your Mother for the third year with Jennifer.  However, life got…

9 years ago


We sat together, waiting on the long bench in the cold corridor.  One woman walked by and asked him a…

9 years ago

The Winter of My (Dis)content

The rain pounds on the roof and the wind blows as the "front"makes it's way through. There is no powdery…

9 years ago

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