I drove home from work yesterday crying. As I made my way, I took note how most of the flags outside of businesses and in front of churches and schools were at half staff. I realized it could be for multiple reasons. Yesterday was a national day of mourning for our country’s former President, Jimmy…
Life in Words
I often say “I could write a book about all the {insert randomly connected experiences here} over the years.” The funny thing is, in a way, I have written a book on this blog. It has taken many years to document a life which is pretty darn good, considering the ups and downs. A full…
Right Now
*Swish, Swish*…. Excuse me while I brush the dust off of this thing……. I failed to write here yesterday, but I would like to try to blog every other day this month. You know, for good ole NaBloPoMo. Today I want to tell you about something really interesting. My Life. Ha ha ha… that’s what this space is…
On Forgiveness
I’ve held a few grudges in my life. Like the time a girl in my third grade class made a comment about how chubby I was, while playing kickball during P.E. one day. I knew her until we graduated from high school and I never wanted to be around her or talk to her after…
Even though it may not look like it on paper, I accomplished quite a bit in 2017. Not everything that happened is considered positive (like a divorce becoming final) but I guess in some cases, it is all in the way you look at it, right? 😉 I did move house, find a new job…
The calendar keeps surprising me. Another year is almost gone. Next week is Thanksgiving and then the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holidays begin. Before we can barely blink, my champagne glass will be full and I will once again resolve to do better in some way. Every year at this time, I feel…
Happy November
I’m preparing to leave and there is so much to think about and do before I go… Right now the living room is in disarray because the kids did little “shows” for me last night and moved the coffee table around and we did not have time to clean up, while watching the Astros win…
My mini-van zooms down the highway as I look to the side and sporadically see blurred flashes of piled up debris near the road. If you look closely there are pieces of furniture and slabs of drywall and copious remnants of wood. I am passing by areas of South Texas that were flooded during Hurricane…
The last couple of years have given me pause in many ways. I’ve taken time to self reflect and look inward. A LOT. While doing so I have also felt the need to lean hard on the God in which I believe. And when I say “lean hard” I mean pray harder than I ever…
Washing Dishes
The dishwasher in the new house does not work very well. So much so that I requested a new one from my landlord. She has agreed to buy one (she used to live in this house, so I am guessing she can feel my pain) however, it hasn’t arrived yet. I’ve been using the crappy…