Wordfull Wednesday

WW – Do You Care for a Spot of Tea Little G?

The boys enjoyed Baby K's new tea set that we gave her for her birthday. Complete with tiara and dinosaur…

14 years ago

WW – It’s Fast Approaching…

In 16 days my baby girl will have been in my life for 365 days.I know, I'm blown away too.Anyway,…

15 years ago

WW – So THIS is What 11 Months is Like. Yeah, I Remember Now.

Gah. Even my title is wordFUL.As you may have guessed from said title, Baby K is 11 months old today.I…

15 years ago

WW – The Perfect Family Portrait

I'm not sure why I'm considering spending a decent amount of money on family portraits in a few weeks.The B…

15 years ago

WW – I Will Keep Trying…

I just wanted one picture of the three of them together.Well, I guess I should say one decent picture...Which of…

15 years ago

WW – Typical Day, Not so Typical Night

I went to bed "uncharacteristically early" last night..(guess the movie and you WIN! nothing but Miss Elaine-ous life kudos points)Therefore…

15 years ago

WW – The Power of the Hair

Pretty much anywhere we go people comment on Baby K's hair.It's EXTREMELY fluffy and soft and well, just darn cute…

15 years ago

WW – ‘Bed Head’ hee hee

We played on the bed today. I wanted to lay down for a bit. She did not.She was moving too…

15 years ago

WW – One LARGE Ice Cream and a Small Fry, Please

I imagine he's saying "You will be mine, Oh yes! You will be mine!!" Isn't vacation fun? :D

15 years ago

Stars in Their Eyes

Yes, I invested a few dollars of our money in cheap sunglasses for party favors and yes, they were "Made…

15 years ago

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