Last Friday afternoon the boys were in the living room playing on the Wii for a bit. I usually let them play some after a long week at school. But around 4:30 I hollered from the kitchen into the living room and told them it was time for our walk. From B: “Okay, let’s go….
A Regular Afternoon (and family pictures)
I just made a pot of chili and it simmers on the stove. On the L-shaped couch sits a huge plastic Sam-sized container of animal crackers, the lid nowhere to be found. Along with my two boys, a bowl of popcorn, one (empty, thank goodness) plastic cup, a pillow, a remote control, a stuffed teddy…
When an almost three-year-old reads…
Someone I know that lives in this house and is short and naturally blond and female likes books a lot lately. She takes them into bed with her before nap and bed time at night. She “reads” them while TRYING to go potty (oh Lord help me…) She makes up her own stories from the…
Having a Daughter
Sometimes I just stop and marvel at the fact that I have a daughter. There was a time when I just wasn’t so sure. Although when I found out I was pregnant with her I kinda had a feeling. But I didn’t want to get my hopes up… you know? I find such joy…
I’m no Tiger Mom.
We’ve slipped into this routine of being late this Summer. And I know it’s going to hurt oh-so-bad when we have to jump head first back into being on time. On a schedule. No dinner at 6:30 or 7. No bed time at 9. I fear lots of headaches in a couple of weeks, for…
If you ask me, 40 is the new 25. But no one asked me so…
We have a really good friend named Chandler. You know, like from the show Friends.Funny thing… He’s THAT good of a friend of ours. And he is just as easy to pick on. Happy 40th (again) Chandler, we love ya! And I won’t call you an old man because well, 40 is just around the corner…
Four Little Men & A Little Lady
This photo makes an enourmous smile come to my face. We are having a blast on vacation. I hope you all are having a wonderful week too.
They smelled so good…
If you’re from central Texas, like me, then you know good and well what a Bluebonnet is. If not, I’m sorry. On our way through my home state last Thursday, I was anxious to find a spot where the kids and I could stop and take a few pictures in a field full of…
Cheerio, Old Chap!
I think I’ve watched a bit too many Downton Abbey episodes lately, what do y’all think? (I’m almost caught up, 2 more episodes to go… I hear that last one is a zinger…) The little kids had a pre-lunch appetizer of milk and Cheerios the other day and I grabbed my camera because they had…
Proof my kids play other things besides Angry Birds
This boy is my snuggly snuggle bug and the main reason we are in the market for a king-sized bed. He’s also a drink-stealer, president of the 4-W club (whine, whine, whine, whine), an all star dessert eater and an A #1 bathtub splasher. He still likes to be held and carried through the house,…