
When an almost three-year-old reads…

Someone I know that lives in this house and is short and naturally blond and female likes books a lot…

13 years ago

Things were going along fine…

I thought you all might like to hear K's voice and so I asked her a few questions about our…

13 years ago

A video that makes me wish I took more video

I'm sure someone thought we were silly taking a quick video of our little girl "shivering" at cold ice cream…

13 years ago

And POOF! just like that, she’s a full-on toddler!!

After I got this video up and running The B Man watched it and said, "Mommy! It's like Kay-Kay can…

14 years ago

Another Vlog??

Last week I vlogged about NOT vlogging.  And this week I'm vlogging again.  So, either I'm a hypocrite or I…

14 years ago

Girl Time (with a video!)

We spend time playing in K's room many mornings. It's just so bright and cheery in there and well, I…

14 years ago

Does it count as “vlog” if all you see is my arm and I’m just talking in the background?

While Tim and The B Man were off to the school book fair the other night I felt the need…

14 years ago

Monday Mish Mash

So, I am in Austin and if you are reading this that means the auto-posty thingy did it's job just…

17 years ago

Wordless Wednesday #20 – Sword Fight

Hope y'all enjoy my commentary (what can I say, I like for there to be narration!) For more WW check…

17 years ago

A Trip Down Norwood Lane

On the way home from a couple of errands today I drove through the intersection of our city at Fielder…

17 years ago