I never can resist the Dollar Spot at Target. By the time I weave through the 2 aisles I have…
I am not sure if I should be typing this now, as I may risk "outing" one 4-year-old Super Hero,…
Here are a few pictures from the past week, inlcuding the holiday. We did go to fireworks the evening of…
Ever since my mother's dog, Zeke died and we told The B Man that he went to heaven the concept…
Here's a page I just "whipped up" yesterday. I admit, I "stole" the page idea from the recent scrapping convention…
I had a bad day yesterday.A little background would be good, right?Something that hasn't been in my life for almost…
Hope y'all enjoy my commentary (what can I say, I like for there to be narration!) For more WW check…
Tim made The B Man a fort this weekend and when Little G woke up from his nap, he wanted…
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