
Little Girl at the Beach

I recall loving the ocean when I was little. Except for the salty taste on my lips after I went…

8 years ago

Twelve Hundred Miles

I put over 1200 miles on my mom van last week. The purpose of the first leg of the trip…

9 years ago


I am a working woman now and my days seem to fly by, even though summer is here. The kids…

9 years ago

Mosquitoes Be Gone! {Giveaway}

We live in the swamp.  Okay, not the ACTUAL swamp, but you know what I mean.  Although it was pretty…

9 years ago

Observations from someone who forgot her phone…

My kid likes to say that my phone is permanently attached to my arm. He's not far off. But sometimes,…

10 years ago

Summer, Slow Down

The glass doors are closed as I sit, looking at my computer screen.  The dog is at my feet. Sleeping.…

10 years ago

What Was Your Favorite Part?

This was the question we kept asking each other while on our family vacation to Universal and Orlando last week.…

10 years ago

Summer Happy! (+ $110 to Target!)

Our Summer is flying by! Ooh look it's already July.  How'd that happen? Thankfully, we've had some fun and I…

10 years ago

When the Nostalgia Kicks In…

There are many things about our childhoods that are different than the ones our own children are experiencing.  I know…

10 years ago

Sum-sum-summa Time!

I can already see the syrupy popsicle, dripping down my middle child's chin.  I can see my little girl's goggled-face smile…

10 years ago

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