There is a woman who belongs to my gym/club that has a super rockin’ body. Whenever she is in front of me on any apparatus in the large cardio room then I am guaranteed to watch her for a bit. My eyes gravitate towards her. And don’t lie to yourself (or me) and tell me…
A little perspective…
I recall a certain fight that my mother and I had once when I was a little girl. I was probably about seven or eight years old and I have no real recollection of what our disagreement was about. It may have been about bed times or a second scoop of ice cream or my…
This roller coaster…
Sometimes you’re up and sometimes you’re down. The ups are scary and the downs are scarier. I’m in the downs right now. I cannot run (still, yet, now, pain free, ugh). This fact makes me a bit depressed. And so I just want to EAT! The true definition of a vicious cycle in my life….
PT stands for Pretty Tired.
So I started that PT for my ankle and it actually turns out my ENTIRE right side from lower back down is a tad messed up. Who knew? Apparently my right hip sits further forward than my left and that explains a lot of my issues. And this morning this physical therapist/chiropractor dude with big…
No running for now, right? Right.
I sat on the vinyl table with the sterile, crinkly paper as he said it. “No running for at least a week and no half marathon.” “No half marathon…?” I echoed his words. “Nope, you’re not properly trained anyway, right?” Right. And there it was, the new doctor, who I liked a lot, said what…
She’s Got Legs/Miss Elaine-ous Monday
I go to our gym 2-3 times a week to run, cross train or take zumba, etc. The place we go here in Laffy, is quite unique in that it is owned by an individual and has grown a lot since he opened the doors in 1963. Not to mention “he” is a former Mr….
The Evolution of a Runner
Person thinks maybe they’ll take up running after being inspired by friends. Person goes in closet and thinks, “these shoes will be fine”. Person goes to the gym treadmill and runs one minute (not mile) and is pretty sure death is upon them. Person reconsiders. Person is persistent and goes back to gym and works…
She’s So Random
I’m *pretty sure* I want to will run another half marathon in Austin at the end of March. Like really, THE last day of March. I’ve started training again like I’m going to do it but I’ve been eating like a pig lately peanut M&Ms are good. (I must be making up for low-carb lost…
My First (and only?) Half Marathon – Dallas White Rock 2011
I am not really sure where to start with this post because I have so much in my head to write about my experience last weekend. First of all, I rode to and from Dallas with some of the best women on the planet. They supported me, prayed with me, laughed with me and helped…
Half Mary, Here I Come!
I’ve been bit overwhelmed with feelings these last couple of days. Feelings of stress and excitement and anticipation for this weekend’s race. Feelings of love and support from you all here and my family and other friends who know I can do it. I know that I’m talking a lot about this half marathon lately…