I started Old School Blogging last year because I really do enjoy answering and reading other people’s responses to random questions. Like the “old” days of blogging, when we were all getting to know each other. Geez, that was a long time ago! The cool thing about blogging though? I am continually making new friends….
Today I am joining in with The Real Housewife of Caroline County and The Bold Fab Mom for #AskAwayFriday. My question answering buddy is the gorgeous and talented Arnebya from What Now and Why. She and Jennifer made me the cream in their Oreo for this photo at BlogHer last year. Aren’t we cute?!…
Old School Blogging, March
So, back in January I answered 48 Questions about myself in the spirit of Old School Blogging. This month I have joined with Heather at Theta Mom and we are bringing back another meme for those of us who miss “the old days” of blogging. Do you remember when we used to pass these things around…
It’s been over 5 months since we left Texas. Five months to find a new place for Chinese take out (it took ALMOST THAT long). Five months to find a church we like (but not nearly as much as our previous one). Five months of meeting new people and finding our way around town. We’re…
Dessert Dilema
Okay people. This is serious business. I need help. (but y’all already knew that, right?) Anyway, I have a little bit of a quandry going on here and I said to myself, “Who better to help me decide than my ‘sweet’ bloggy buddies?” Let me back up by saying that I have sworn off sweets…
I Got Questions, Hopefully YOU Have Answers
So my friend Tina over at Golden Goodness did this the other day and I thought it was a great idea – some random questions for YOU! Nothing too deep, just some fun stuff. Answer away in the comments and have a good time with it! (my answers are at the bottom) 1. Do you…